Chapter 1: The Kit.

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It was raining outside and WindClan camp was being filled with the shrieks of a cat, a she-cat was giving birth to her kits.

"Hold on, I can see your kit coming now!" Announced Barkface, as a small body came out and fell into the soft nest, the medicine cat then gave the tiny white kit to the father and ordered him to lick. The white kit mewed with slight alarm at the touch.

"One more Whitewind.." said Tallstar as the third kit was born, the cold was coming in from the outside as well as some rain and one of the kits sneezed. His eyes clouded with worry for his kits and mate, but his medicine cat stopped him from doing anything else.

"I'll have to check on you all tomorrow, right now all of us need rest." Meowed Barkface. Tallstar ended up sleeping outside the nursery, and his mind wouldn't stop worrying about his new family.


Tallstar was awoken by his mates wail. That, isn't the best thing to wake up to.

"Whitewind! Are you alright? How are the kits? Have they opened their eyes yet?" Tallstar flooded his mate with questions as she nuzzled her, which made Whitewind continue to stay stricken with grief. Her cries startled the entire camp, as Barkface ran in full speed.

"W-what happened?!" He screeched in alarm as he saw Whitewind's head crouched over a small body. She continued to furiously lick it, from its small chest to the top of its head. Tears continued to run down her cheeks as she was trying to stop herself from crying even more.

"No no no no, please StarClan, not him." She continued to chant in desperate whispers as she licked the tiny black and white kits head. She accepted the fact, and began to whimper, and held her dead kit close. His body was cold and limp.

"H-He's dead?!" Barkface whispered in disbelief, and crouched closer, he could see the small tom, limp in his mothers paws. He looked paler than anything. His eyes widened in realization of the newborn kits death. "I know what happened.." He squeaked out. Out of nowhere, a sudden blazing anger erupted in Whitewind's soul and she lashed out a paw, slapping away Barkface with claws unsheathed.

"ITS BECAUSE YOU DIDNT CHECK OVER MY KITS' HEALTH! MY PRECIOUS KIT IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" She yowled at him rising to her paws to start a battle with the newly scarred medicine cat.

"Whitewind?!" Tallstar mewed in surprised, eyes wide at his mates sudden anger. She was usually a gentle cat, but now, she seemed like a stranger. He jumped to his feet, ready to stop anything. He looked at Barkface, "Go. Now." He said in a stern voice, tail slightly lashing.

Like a flash, Barkface left the nursery. Whitewind looked defeated, her face covered in distress as she collapsed down in grief. "H-He's the reason Spottedkit is dead.." She whimpered. She buried her face in Tallstar's fur, which he allowed, licking the top of her head and running his tail along her back to calm her down.

"We'll bury can pick his resting place..but we both know he's with StarClan now..." Whitewind nodded in his fur, but continued to cry, holding her mate close.


Tallstar padded away from camp, his paws feeling heavy as well as his heart. His own kit had died just a few moments ago, and Whitewind still can't forgive Barkface. His paws were silent against the moor ground as he approached a clean nice spot. It wasn't as nice, as he could see the white silhouette of his mate keeping their kit close to her.

After burying him, Tallstar heart ached as he saw the white she-cat stare at the burial place, before dropping her head, letting out a whimper. "May StarClan lead you well to their forest, my little baby...." She chocked out, a tear droping onto her sons grave.

Both cats padded away a few moments later, still shocked about their own sons death. Whitewind's green eyes landed only on the ground, no matter how hard she tried to look Tallstar is the eyes.

As they entered Camp, Whitewind quickly gave Tallstar a lick to his cheek before hurrying to the nursery for her other two kits. She let out a sad sigh as she returned to her nest, nuzzling her last two babies. One was a pure black she-kit, with who knows what colored eyes, and the other was a snow white she-kit, but, something seemed off about her. Which isn't a nice thing to think of when it's your own creation.

"There's something special about you.." Whitewind whispered, and looked even closer at her white kit. She could faintly see a green tint on it, which left her puzzled. "Emeraldkit..and Ravenkit...what nice names for two beautiful little ones.." She purred and curled her tail around them, still trying hard to forget the death of her kit. But she just couldn't, tears erupted in her eyes and started  to fall as she fell into a deep, scary slumber.


"Tallstar! I need you, quick!" Whitewind called out, and she could see the black and white tom hurry into the nursery, slightly worried and still shaken up from yesterday.

"What is it?!" He squeaked, but then his eyes landed on his kits, who's eyes were open, and they were already starting to crawl around in the nest and squirm around. "T-They've opened their eyes!" He gasped in joy, and then nuzzled the white she-cat beside him.

"That's great!" He purred.

"Yes, but it's strange, it's too early for them to do so.." She muttered and looked down at Ravenkit, and seeing lovely amber eyes like her fathers. She took a glance at Emeraldkit and almost jumped at the color of her eyes. Yes. They were a deep green, but they seemed deeper color than that. They were as dark as green cold grass, but it spooked her.

"Are you alright?" Tallstar asked licking his mates ear and purring gently, she snapped out of her paralyzed state and purred back to him.

"Yes, I'm fine" She breathed, they both sat down and watched as their two kit began to scuffle around the nursery, they seemed so innocent, so fragile, but only the oldest know that it may not last for long.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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