A Canine Dragon Warrior?!?!

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The sun peeked over the pure green hills of jade village and woke up a slightly annoyed teen wolf, who was so surprised by the sudden sunlight that he landed on the hard wood floor.

Mephisto: ow,god damnit. Is it morning already?

He sighed and got up after a quick series of stretches, the canine put on his trademark black belt, blood red robe with the initials DW ( Demon Wolf) engraved on it and finally tied a gold headband on his head. The wolf sighed and backflipped out of the window as he was greeted by everyone because he was famous.at last,his favourite place was reached, a dumpling stand.

Mephisto: one freshly made dumpling on the double, if you please.

Rabbit vendor: anything for the famous wolf, also I have a flyer to show you.

He hands it to Warrior and he reads it finding out they are doing a contest for the next dragon warrior.

MH: hey,I think I could try out for that competition I have slick moves. * He did a few quick hitting moves and takes the dumpling* thank you, I'll go to the jade dojo now peace!

He does a double,triple, quad flip jump up the stairs and as soon as the competition started, the lupin finished his breakfast and Landed in the Dojo surprising everyone and a red panda spoke up: "new challenge, furious five! Defeat the wolf to gain the title of dragon warrior! *A tiger, snake,mantis,crane bird and a monkey cornered me*

MH: you sure you want to fight me? * They kept coming* alright, just know that this will hurt alot.

The canine Kung-fu master first took out the tiger with a flying bike kick and then took out the monkey with a reverse bo staff spin to the face. The other three were actually terrified of this teen wolf so they ran away in fear. The lupin smiled baring his sharp teeth: " well.that was easier than I thought" an old Turtle came up to me and raised my paw announcing: " the universe has delivered us our DRAGON WARRIOR!"

The cheers of the crowd, the support, the recognition. It's what I deserve.

A Different Kind Of Warrior ( wolf dragon warrior KFP X Tigress)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin