Binging Secrets

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"Dad and Jules are binge-watching Doctor Who again."

Sirius sat on the ground, wagging his tail while grinning up at the girl in front of him while Hermione sighed, indicating the complaint was normal to hear from her sister. And then—

"Wait. Where did the dog come from?" Hermione's sister frowned, glaring at the dog in question. "What's with the mutt?"

"Oh, I'm not a mutt," Sirius thought to himself, walking past the girl and heading into the front room where two people, an even younger girl and—

And then he paused, staring at the man sitting there, watching the television screen as the middle child whined, "Dad!"

The person Sirius, startled at seeing, blinked his eyes and turned his head just as Sirius changed from dog to human. "Oh. Hello."

"Hello?" Sirius asked.

"Sirius!" Hermione said. "You promised!"

"Dad! There's a monster in this room!" the girl Sirius didn't yet know the name of said, pointing at him.

The man tilted his head. "Don't you mean a wizard? I know you're not fond of the idea of you and your sister being able to use magic, Elizabeth, but...."

"I am not a witch!" the girl said. She pointed at the television screen. "It's just as ridiculous as your Doctor Who!"

"Time Lord!" Jules said, grinning ear to ear at Sirius. "Are you a Time Lord like my sister, mister Sirius?"

"And your dad?" Sirius asked.

"Sirius, my dad's a Muggle. Both my parents are," Hermione said. "And we don't talk about magic before my dad."

"Really?" Sirius said.

"Um," the man tilted his head before saying. "Have we met?"

Sirius looked at him, wanting to—

"No, dad. You've not met Sirius," Hermione said, her mouth pushing together.

Sirius frowned. "But what about the Muggle news? Surely...."

"The news?" Hermione's dad said. He shook his head. "Olivia's not let me watch the news or read the newspaper. Is there something I should know?"

"No, dad," Hermione sighed. "There's nothing."

"Alright," the man said, turning back to look at the television, watching Doctor Who.

"You should turn back into a dog, Sirius."

"Why?" Hermione's dad said, not looking at the television. "Jules will just blab to your mother he can do that, and she won't be pleased; I think to know you're sticking to being a dog and not conversing."

"Yeah," Sirius said. "About that...."

And then he turned again, frowning. "Are you sure I don't know you?"

"Dad!" Hermione let out a sigh.

"But I'm sure," her dad said. "I'm sure I know him."

"How are you fine with a dog suddenly changing into a person, but not our trip to get school supplies two summers ago?"

"Why?" her father asked, looking at Sirius. "Because Sirius is safe?"

"He's what?"

"I didn't put that, right?" her dad said.

"No. What you said doesn't make any sense at all."

"Oh. Well, I feel safe around Sirius. He's a decent person," they said, going back to watching the show.

"The two of you've just met."

"Yes, but," her dad frowned, turning his head again to look at Sirius. "Are you sure we've not met?"

"That," Sirius sighed, going and looking around rather than answering the question as you-know-who watched television. And there were pictures around the place that only made his suspicions grow.

The door opened again, and, "Who are you?"

To which he said, "Olivia, this is Sirius. Hermione..."

"Sirius, as in Sirius Black?" the woman Sirius turned to say.

"Well, yes?" Sirius said, clearing his throat right before Olivia Granger decked him good and hard.

"Olivia!" the person who had startled Sirius on sight said. "What is that for? I know he's a wizard and can change from—I didn't react negatively to him being here, so it's fine, right."

"Fine," the woman said before yanking him into the kitchen and slamming the door shut. "What are you, a Black doing here?"

Sirius narrowed his eyes, glancing at the door wondering if Hermione could hear, before saying in a low voice, turning to glare at her, pointing at the other room. "You're asking that when I'm asking what he's doing here?"

"He's my husband," she said. "And you're not welcome."

Sirius felt his eye twitch. "Let me rephrase that. What is someone I know to be dead doing here alive and well?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business, and I know full well you're on the run for escaping prison, but if you're caught here, Sirius Black, what does that mean for him?"

Sirius stared. "What do you mean?"

"What? Should I be thankful that you lot aren't trying to kill him for defecting?"

"Wait," Sirius sucked in his breath, closing his eyes. "You know about that?"

"I know, he doesn't. And no, I'm not thankful for a Death Eater's decision to spare my husband or my children in hopes of getting him back in!"

Sirius sucked in his breath. "I'm not bloody," and then, "I was framed."

"I don't believe you," the woman said, narrowing her eyes. "After all, you're a Black."

"And so's he!" Sirius said.

"You're right," she said coldly. "Not all Black are evil and join up with Death Eaters, but I do know you...." and then she paused. "Wait? You were framed?"

"For your information, I've not had anything to do with the family since I turned sixteen," Sirius spat out. He pointed to the door. "And you've still not told me why my baby brother, who's supposed to be dead, is actually alive." And then he frowned, paling, looking at the door, tilting his head. "Wait. There are kids. Regulus has kids?"

"I don't know. He doesn't know either," the woman sighed. "And if you're not here to try and pull him into that old life, you can stay. Just—he doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know you anymore, and I am cautious about trusting you. You are a Black."

"Yes, but your daughter trusts me. Hermione does," Sirius said. He took a deep breath. "And I get laying low with what's in the news. Just, I've gone years thinking he was dead, so can I stay? For just a bit."

Olivia frowned. "You can stay and binge-watch Doctor Who. That will give me time to think about what to do. "

"Thank you," Sirius said, although he wasn't sure as he slipped back into the room and sat on the couch while Hermione's father and youngest sister simply watched the show in front of them, not noticing. But, Hermione noticed something was off, although he said nothing, nor did Hermione's mother.

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