Mine and Yours

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Phayu and Rain tell each other "I love you" all the time, but even if they didn't, they'd still know. It's in the little things they do for each other.

The act of service is a strong one, but it's also a silent one. It's hidden in the mornings of waking up earlier and making breakfast. Phayu loves making Rain's favourite foods and he secretly has learned a Korean food recipe for him. Rain also enjoys cooking for Phayu and when he is not busy with school, he would make lunch and bring it to Phayu's office. It's hidden in doing chores together and laughing as they clean their home together. Rain hasn't moved in officially, but he likes to call it our home. Every time Rain texts him to bring something that they are running low on, it makes Phayu lose his breath and face break into a huge smile.

It's in the silence of Phayu checking on Rain's car and making sure to check on tires before Bangkok is submerged in monsoon rain. It's in the love notes Rain leaves behind when he is not staying over. Phayu has kept every single note, even the ones that tell him to eat on time and to charge his power bank.

It's hidden in the acts of drying each other's hair to putting sheet masks on gently. Rain loves to massage Phayu's back and watch the tense muscle relax completely as he works on the knots. He loves it when Phayu falls asleep as he massages his head and scratches lightly through his hair.

Sometimes their love is showy where Rain would find something that Phayu would like. On his vacation trip to Europe with his parents, everything reminded him of P'Phayu. He has sent so many pictures to Phayu...pictures of the rainy sky to pictures of coffee.

He still smiles stupidly when the first day of vacation, he found Phayu's blue bike jacket and in each pocket, Phayu has hidden a small pack of jelly candy. He had come across beautiful leather gloves and bought them right away. He can imagine Phayu riding his bike wearing those gloves and if he can also imagine those hands wrapped around him then that's Rain's business. But gloves were just a start...Rain only bought souvenirs and gifts for Phayu that whole trip. A new necklace with their symbols, black diamond earring that they can wear on a date, coffee and special snacks. He showed off each gift to his parents explaining how nice it would look on P'Phayu and completely missing the knowing smiles on his parents' faces.

Phayu loves to spoil Rain and if he has his way, he would want his baby in only lavish things. If Saifah laughs at him for buying flowers to something that would look good on Rain, then that's on him. He noticed Rain's red watch looking worse for wear. He had bought him a simple watch, a classy-looking Audemars Piguet Royal Oak. Rain shyly looking at the watch and asking him to put it on his delicate wrist had made it all worth it. Rain's wrist only made that watch look expensive.

And sometimes their love is spoken out loud. Repeatedly. Rain is a master of this where his face glows in giddy happiness as he tells Phayu what he loves about him. He loves Phayu's smile and the day Rain saw Phayu's eye smile it became his lifelong goal to always see Phayu smiling.

It doesn't mean Phayu doesn't say anything. Phayu's face softens even more when he looks at Rain and can't help but kiss his cheeks.

Phayu starts, watching Rain's smile grow. "I love the way you melt into my touch," He says, placing his hands on the boy's waist. "Or the way you're very protective of the ones you love. Or when you're really focused on something, your eyebrows raise slightly and you squint your eyes. When we watch a show or movie, your fidget just slightly and you move closer to me. How passionate you are about your work."

Rain smiles, his eyes getting lost in Phayu's eyes as he goes on about what he loves about him. He leans forward, placing his forehead on the others. He closes his eyes as Phayu's voice gets quieter, stopping after Rain slings his arms around his neck and moves to sit on his lap.

"Thank you." Rain whispers, placing a soft peck on Phayu's lips, watching him smile once again.

"You know baby, I love everything about you and have no problem reminding you every day."

"When did you turn into a big softie," Rain smiled, cupping his face.

"Oh you know, just when my wife needs my words of affirmation," Phayu says, chuckling.

Rain hides his face burrowing into Phayu's neck and just inhaling his scent letting out soft moans.

"You too, P'Phayu...you're beautiful and handsome. It's hard to look at you sometimes because it's so hard to look away. The things you do, I notice them and I don't think it's possible but I keep falling for you more and more."

Phayu smiles softly and pulls Rain into a tight embrace, closing his eyes.

Every moment they spend together is quality time. Phayu loves watching Rain. If he could, he would spend his day watching Rain and listening to him talk because he is so animated and his energy is so contagious. He also can't look away from his pouty lips when he is acting bratty. He loves teasing Rain just for that pouting lips and miffed way Rain turns his head away but his eyes looking at him asking him to make up already.

It feels like hell to Phayu and Rain when they can't spend any time together. It's especially hell when it's exam time or the end of the university year. Rain can't even come to the garage to just sit near Phayu to study.

During exam seasons when Rain was locked away in the library, Phayu would drive there with food and 5 mins hugs that turn into 15 mins because Rain has fallen asleep in his arms and is using his chest as a headrest.

Phayu tries not to melt looking down at the sleepy cute boy in his arms but he can't help burying his nose in his hair and just inhaling his scenes. He can feel all the tension and stress released from his body. He feels so at peace that he wonders how he has survived without Rain in his life.

Their biggest and loudest way of showing affection and love is physical touch. Every inch of his body has been touched and explored. His nose, cheekbones, lips, chin, forehead, over the sensitive ears, trailing down his neck to more. Exploring, caressing, touching, and kissing. Phayu is also not prepared for the whispered compliments Rain leaves behind as he kisses and touches his body. Rain gripping Phayu's back of the neck and his fingers moving through the hair stuck to his skin from the sweat. His neck and chest is littered with fresh bruises, he almost seems to glow under Phayu.

Their lovemaking feels like being in the middle of a storm, the atmosphere gets charged, and it crackles in the air between them, making their toes curl in pleasure and gasping and breathing the same air. It coaxes gasps and pleas from their tongues, chants of more and gasping of their names echoing off the walls.

Their bodies are painted in marks, both love leaving reminders on the damp skin as their bodies move together in sync. Sweet expressions of love are their specialty, in and out of the bedroom. The once slow pace becomes rapid and jerky until a low groan sounds. There is no space between their bodies and hands gripping just to ground them to each other as they lose themselves in euphoria.

They pull each other close once their orgasms subside, lips meeting in messy kisses as they fight off blissful grins. Affirming that they belong to each other and their souls forever intertwine for eternity.

Rain's personal space belongs to Phayu and vice versa.

Sometimes when they sit next to each other, Phayu will drop a hand on Rain's thigh. Grabbing his hand, letting his thumb slowly caress it. Twining their fingers together, touching their feet together under the table. Gentle touches for no other reason than to be a bit closer. More than once while sitting and working hard on the model, Phayu would sit close if not next to him. He would only stare at him as if he wants to memorize every line and every expression that was on Rain's face.

Sometimes Rain would sit behind Phayu, tracing patterns on his back as he worked. Sometimes he would fiddle with his hair, and kiss his shoulder or neck. And when he peeks around at Rain, he would pull a stray strand of hair behind his ear. His fingers are always hot, always careful.

They both find comfort in touching each other.

If someone was to ask them what is their love language...Phayu will always say his love language is Rain. Rain would smile brightly and respond that his love language is P'Phayu.

And they are the best at communicating.

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