Sign & Dine

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Isaac glanced around the coffee shop for a place to study. He sighed as he noticed most everyone else was holed up with a significant other and that made him sigh even more at the fact, he didn't have someone. So, he took his coffee and computer to the outdoor seating. He had been experiencing a serious case of writer's block and his sister, Erica, told him he should try a change of scenery. So here he was, trying. There were three tables but only one had a chair to spare.

Isaac eyed the guy sitting there only to suck in a breath at how gorgeous he was. Well, that posed a problem. How exactly was he supposed to ask said gorgeous guy if he could sit there let alone focus. He steeled himself and walked over. "Hey. So, I was wondering if I could sit here?" Isaac waited but there was no reply and that confused him. The guy didn't have ear buds in or anything. Maybe he just needed to be closer.

So, he tried again. "Hi. Can I maybe sit here?" he asked, but once again, he received no response.

Finally, Isaac turned to leave but, in the process, he accidentally knocked into the table. He tensed slightly as the guy looked up. Isaac was immediately mesmerized by the golden eyes wide like Bambi's. It made Isaac's breath hitch. He took in the sight of pink cupid's bow lips, constellation of beauty marks and the adorable, pointed nose. His throat was dry all of a sudden as he simply stared.

The guy tilted his head and smiled giving a small wave. Isaac couldn't help himself and smiled back. He opened his mouth to ask his question again only to be stopped mid attempt by the guy's hands. He watched the guy point to his ears and mouth. He formed a D hand, touching the side of his index finger to the side of his chin and then moved it back to rest by his ear.

> I'm deaf.

Isaac watched as the guy became shy after this admission, but Isaac smiled and quickly set his things down. He caught the guy's attention as he replied.

> My best friend growing up was deaf and my little sister used sign language a lot after an accident.

The guy's face lit up at the fact that Isaac could sign.

> That's amazing. Not amazing that your sister used it because of an accident but that she had access to this beautiful form of communication.

Isaac's smile grew.

> I couldn't agree more.

> Sit?

The guy gestured to the open seat and Isaac nodded.

> Don't mind if I do. I'm I-S-A-A-C. Isaac by the way. It's nice to meet you.

He signed kind with an I.

> It's nice to meet you too. I'm S-T-I-L-E-S. Stiles.

A light blush appeared on his face as he signed. He signed smart with an S, looking up at Isaac from under his eyelashes. Isaac wasn't sure if it was a conscious decision or not, but it made him blush as well.

They exchanged numbers and got to work on their respective laptops. Isaac was glad he had come to the coffee shop today. He got the number of a gorgeous guy and got a new muse to finally put an end to his writer's block. What a way to sign and dine.

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