If I call, will you be there? (Jen and Jethro)

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A\N: My first JIBBS oneshot in a while, enjoy, Angels.

He's sanding his boat at 0030, taking small sips of his bourbon when his cell phone rings from beside him. Frowning, the grey haired ex marine picks up the phone. He prays to God it's not Tony calling him about nightmares about the blue room where he was isolated with Kate except it's Kate that's sick with Y Pestis and ends up dying, because of him. 

Since Kate's death, the leader of MCRT has been comforting his agents, even Ziva who shot Kate's killer who also happened to be her half-brother, but none of his agents have been worse than DiNozzo who witnessed her death and was covered in her blood. His Senior Field Agent has been through a shit ton these last two months without being tortured by nightmares about his partner dying of the same thing that almost stole his life right before her eyes. He deserves some uninterrupted sleep.

Ridding his mind of his grieving agents, he answers his ringing phone.

Phone call

Gibbs: Yeah, Gibbs.

(The voice on the other side of the call definitely isn't any of his agents, at least none of his current agents)
Jenny: Hi, Jethro!

Gibbs: Jen, what's going on? You okay?

Jenny: Can you come pick me up? I need you.

Gibbs: Where are you?

Jenny: At the bar me, you, Will and Stan used to go.

Gibbs: (sigh) Jen, are you drunk right now?

Jenny: Just a little bit.

Gibbs: Damn it, Shepard, just stay there and no more drinking, I'll be there soon.

Jenny: 'Shepard', haven't heard that one from you in a long time. Paris, right?

Gibbs: Jen, I'm not discussing Paris with you right now, just stay put.

Phone call

Snapping his phone closed, he grabs his jacket from the stool, pockets his phone, grabs his wallet and keys and bolts upstairs and runs outside to his truck, gunning the engine to get Jen and bring her home. On the way to the bar, Gibbs  can't help thinking about his former Probie and lover.

He can't believe she got drunk like a damn Probie. What was she thinking? Did she almost forget the time she got drunk in Paris and woke up with a killer hangover that lasted for two days? Granted she didn't sound drunk on the phone but he never knows with Jen. He pulls up outside the familiar bar, kills the engine and gets out of the truck, strolling into the bar, his blue eyes immediately finding the redheaded director.

She's sitting at the bar, not doing anything. He approaches her from behind, placing a hand on her back, startling her. He gives her a slight smile as she turns her head towards him.

"Hi, Jen." He says, Jen smiles tightly.

"Hi, Jethro." She replies.

"Let's get you home." Jethro says as he gets her coat and purse in his arms. He takes her hand and gently lifts her off the bar stool and drags her to the door and to his truck, opening the passenger truck door and waiting until she's seated to swing himself into the driver's seat, placing her coat and purse on the floor of the cab. The ride back to his house is silent.

Jenny leans her soon to be pounding head on Jethro's truck window and closes her eyes, her mind a swirling mess of the last few hours, particularly when she called Jethro to pick her up.

What was she thinking? Why did she ask him to pick her up? She knew he'd come, there was no doubt in her mind about that, but why had she called him? Why did she even get drunk at a bar anyway? She could've gotten drunk at home in her study without having to call him.

If I call, will you be there? (Jen and Jethro)Where stories live. Discover now