How it all began

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At a island where it's dark with no sun, cloudy  as if it's about to storm. It was called the Isle of the Lost. When Belle and the Beast got married, they banished the villains there. Now, the baddest kids rule there. Maleficent and Scar's daughters both did. They taught everyone how to be bad, evil, wicked. Kyra, the daughter of Scar was the worst. She comes into people's houses and steals things, messing up everything, not apologizing. The only thing about the girl is that her father is hardly with her, she was raised by hyenas. The  hyenas are always with her.

The girl had long brown hair that was tied up into a high ponytail, a black leather jacket with silver spikes on the collar, her shirt was lava red, with a dark moonlight blue ripped leggings, on top, it was a orange skirt. She had a lion tooth necklace around her neck.

Her eyes were pierce yellow, scaring people. She didn't care about anything, but herself. She hopped on a roof, looking at a blue hair girl with a v braid, she had dark brown eyes. She was dressed like a princess. She was happy, celebrating her 6th birthday.

The brown haired girl sniffed, as another girl hopped next to her.

She had long purple hair that reached to her upper body. She had light green eyes. She also had a magenta outfit with a green long live evil on the right side of her leather jacket. On the back of her magenta leather jacket, it was a dark purple symbol of a dragon.

Her name was Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. The second worst villain in the land. They both miserably looked at the blue haired girl with the V braid.

She was happy and the villains who were invited were smiling, but Mal nor Kyra wasn't.

They looked at the daughter of the Evil Queen in jealousy. She was probably one of those prissy pink princesses, but let's face it, there's no princesses on the Isle, they should be in Auradon. Kyra and Mal were best friends since they rule the Isle along with their parents, Scar and Maleficent. Scar was to busy with Scarlett that he had no time with Kyra. Kyra didn't mind, she had Janja, Mal, and Maleficent with her.

They wanted to prove that they can be bad as their-

"Mother!/ Father!" Mal and Kyra yelped. There they were, a brown hair man with a mustache and a beard. He had dark green eyes that were greener as Maleficent's. A women wearing all black and she had a two horns that covered her hair, nobody knew what her hair looked like.

"What is going on here?" Maleficent demanded, looking at the two girls. They sniffed as they looked at their parents.

"It's a birthday party mother" Mal sniffed.

"And we weren't invited" Kyra added. Scar and Maleficent looked down to what Kyra and Mal were looking at, it was the blue haired princess that was laughing, playing with some people. Scar glared at them, everyone knew to invite his daughter or Suffer the consequences that Maleficent will give them.

"Is that right?" Asked Maleficent. Kyra was like a daughter to Maleficent. Being with Scar and Kyra was like it was a family raising two young girls to be bad. The blue haired girl was laughing and giggling in happiness, Kyra and Mal weren't the happy people.

"Celebrations are for rabbles" Scar scoffed. Kyra and Mal knew that their parents hated and despised parties. Janja did as well unless it was a party for killing Simba. Maleficent hated parties and she wasn't invited to the one where Aurora was born, which was why she got cursed to prick her finger on a spinning wheel.

"Nevertheless,  Evil Queen and her horrid progeny will learn soon enough from their spiteful little mistake." She told the two little girls.

For her mother was the great Maleficent, Mistress of Darkness, the most powerful and wicked fairy in the world and the second most fearsome villain in all the land.Or at least, she had been.

Once upon a time, her mother's wrath had cursed a princess.

Once upon a time, her mother's wrath had brought a prince to his knees. Once upon a time, her mother's wrath had put an entire kingdom to sleep.

Once upon a time, her mother had had all the forces of hell at her command.

One upon a time, her father had all he took to defeat and kill Simba. Kyra and Mal watched what Maleficent did.

And there was nothing Mal and Kyra desired more in her heart than to grow up to be just like them.

Maleficent stepped to the balcony's edge, where she could see out to the whole island all the way

to the sparkling lights of Auradon. She raised herself to her full height as thunder and lightning cracked and boomed and rain began to pour from the heavens. Since there was no magic on the island. this was just wickedly good coincidence.

The party came to a halt, and the gathered citizens were paralyzed at the sight of their leader glaring down at them with the full force of her wrath.

"This celebration is over!" Mal's mother declared. "Now, shoo, flee, and scatter, like the little fleas you are! And you! Evil Queen and your daughter! From now on, you are dead to the entire island! You do not exist! You are nothing! Never show your faces anywhere ever again! Or else!"

Just as quickly as it had gathered, the group dispersed, under the wary eye of Maleficent's frightening henchmen, the boar-like guards wearing aviator caps pulled down low over their hooded eyes. Kyra and Mal caught a last glimpse of the blue-haired princess looking fearfully up at the balcony before being whisked away by her equally terrified mother.

Mal's eyes glittered with triumph, her dark heart glad that her misery had caused such wondrous maleficence.

Now, they know what they went to add in their Destiny one day.

"Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"-  Evil Queen from Snow White

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"Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"-  Evil Queen from Snow White

The Origin of Kyra Where stories live. Discover now