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Broken glass

Y/n's PoV:

It has been some time since we last saw a village and I noticed how my man got nervous.

"Not that I say that your trying to fool us Raven, but theres no village in sight and we dont have much food left. Your sure there is a village if we keep going this direction?" I stopped and sighed. No one had patience here.

"Yes, now stop complaining and keep walking." With that, I picked my pace up again. I was also low on power, but when we stopped we would take forever to get to the village.

"I say we make a stop here." One of them said and now I got angry. I was the one that was in charge, no one else decided what would happen.

"Oh really, because I dont think so. Keep walking. Now." My voice got low and I stared him into the eyes.

"What if I say no?"

"Then you will regret it. When I say we keep walking, then we keep walking." He chuckled and pulled his sword, the others taking a step back.

"You really wanna do this now?"

"What, are you scared you might lose?" I pulled my own sword and looked him deep into the eyes. He was done in seconds, so no, I wasnt scared at all, but when I felt another blade going through my side and leaving a deep cut, I cursed myself for not watching out.

When I turned around I saw that they all had pulled their swords and surrounded me.

"Wanna turn the tables around hm? You think you can kill me and walk away?" I felt another blade cutting through my skin, so I started to attack too.

Little screams and groans filled the air as I let my blade swing around. One man after another fell to the ground, till only one was left. And he was a lucky one.

Because of the injurys I already had, I wasnt fast enough to block his attack. His blade slide into my stomach and made me groan.

"Rot in hell fucker." With that I cut open his throat, falling back onto the ground.

My vision started to blurr, so I forced myself to get back up again. Everywhere was blood and my body felt like it was burning. I stumbled away from the bodys into a direction I hoped to find help.

It was hard to keep myself up on my foot as the sun sunk in the distance. Slowly I started to give up, when I heard a Raven call from the distance. With blurry vision, I looked around and saw him sitting on an old tree. He starred back into my eyes and flew off, so I followed him.

My steps started to hurt more and more, but when I saw the castles that rose in the distance, I ignored the pain and kept walking.

The Raven seemed to stay at my side, as I got closer to the castles.

What felt like forever finally stopped, as I touched the wall of the black castle. There was a light in one of the towers and I cursed.

"Of course, as high up as possible." I tried to relax and gain some strength, before I jumped up and started to climb.

My eyes had turned completely black, as I focused on my powers to get me up to that window. It took some while, but when I was finally face to face with the window, I took a little dagger and slammed it right into it.

With a clash the broken class fell to the ground and I got inside, only to collapse onto the ground. Using my powers took out the last strength I had inside of me.

I heard footsteps come closer and a sound of clicking on the ground. When I turned my head I saw a figure standing infront of me, looking down, before yelling something. That was the last, before I blacked out.

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