Chapter 1 - Dumbledore's Army:

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A/N: This is set in their 6th year of Hogwarts ( Which is "The Half-Blood Prince" and this is after "The Order of The Phoenix".)

This story is already on this account, but it's an older version than this one and I was having problems with the other version sending out notifications. I'm starting this book from scratch. I hope you enjoy!! Please vote and comment for more updates! - @coco_oreo141 :)



"Uh, okay, welcome everyone," Harry began, as we all stood together in the Room of Requirement, "I know it's been a while since we've all gathered for Dumbledore's Army, but I think we can all agree that this is needed with 'You Know Who' becoming stronger by the day. You'll probably recognize some familiar faces but we actually have some new members among us, so I trust you'll make them feel welcome. Anyway, with that being said I think we can get going. Partner up and we'll get started." 

I scanned the room and my eyes landed on a familiar head of platinum blonde hair. Ughh, why did he have to be here? 

I nodded at Ginny to see if she'd want to be my partner and she nodded in agreement.

I walked across to her, stopping in front of Draco, who just so happened to be standing in front of Ginny, blocking my way.

"Excuse me," I said politely to Draco.

"Granger," He remarked, as he stepped aside and walked away.

I caught a whiff of spearmint when he passed. He was the only one not wearing their uniform, but instead, a fitted black shirt and suit.

I turned to Ginny and we looked at Harry for an explaination as to what we were doing.

"Alright, so today we'll be practicing the disarming spell. Quite simple, but still very useful. If you don't remember it, or want to go back over it, I'll show you all now."

He cleared his throat and began, "Raise your wands and copy this wand movement".

I looked around the room and everyone did just as demonstrated.

Then repeat after me, "Expelliarmus."

"Expelliarmus," I said pointing my wand at Ginny. Instantly her wand flew out of her hand and I picked it up and handed it back to her.

We continued doing this for a few minutes, until Harry was satisfied that everyone knew what they were doing. We had learnt this charm in second year, so most people knew what they were doing, but because some members were still in second year, it made sense to start with basic charms.

When we had gone over a few basic spells, Harry dismissed us and we all went our separate ways back to class.

I caught up with Harry on the way out, lightly grabbing his arm, and pulling him to the side.

"Harry, we need to do the spell to ensure we won't get caught. We need to make 'Shadow' versions of all of our members. I've practiced the spell, and I know I can do it. We can't risk getting caught like we did last year with Umbridge. No one will suspect a thing, as long as our members merge with their 'Shadow Selves'. Believe me, this can work," I said in a hushed voice.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He whispered back.

"Certain. The stakes are higher than ever before, we can't afford to get caught, not now, not ever. Meet me in our dorm in ten minutes and I'll show you."

He nodded in agreement and we both went different ways to the common room, so it didn't look like we were going to the same place.

Since the events of last year, we've had to be far more careful. No one can know what we're up to.

I arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room after going the long way. I stepped through and saw Harry sat on the sofa by the fire. I cleared my throat to announce my presence and he turned around as I walked towards him.

"Let's go into the Girl's Dorm."

"What? I can't go in there!"

"We have to, it's the only place we can't be watched."

We walked across the room and stood in the doorway of the girl's dorm. I pulled out my wand to undo the charm that disallowed boys in the girls dorm. I'd gotten the spell from a Hufflepuff girl who liked bringing boys back to the girl's dorm. I hadn't used the charm before, so there was no way of knowing if it would actually work. Clearing my throat I said the spell and stepped through. Now came the real test, would Harry be able to get through?

He stepped forward and walked in. I couldn't believe it, he was in! I made a mental note to thank the Hufflepuff girl when I saw her next.

We went in and with a flick of my wand, the curtains closed and I turned the lights on.

I pulled the full length mirror that was on wheels from across the room and placed it in front of me - as I needed to be able to see my reflection for the spell to work.

I waved my wand and began saying the incantation. Harry watched in anticipation. I said the last part of the spell and stepped backwards as my shadow self separated from me. I could literally feel myself stepping out of my skin. I felt drained from doing the spell, as though my lungs had collapsed in on themselves, and I had to bend over and catch my breath.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.......I'm fine," I replied not so convincingly, "the spell can be a bit taxing on your body."

"Are you sure this is safe?" He asked in concern.

" a degree, long as it's supervised and performed when other people are around you incase anything goes wrong."

"How will you be able to convince anyone of this idea?"

"What choice do we have left?" I replied, my tone turned serious as I realized how advanced this spell was and how dangerous it could be if done incorrectly.

I tried to push that thought out of my head as I turned to admire my shadow self beside me. It was an exact copy of myself, down to every freckle.

Harry was at a loss for words and seemed a bit shaken as he slowly looked my shadow self up and down.

"It's okay, Harry," said my shadow self.

"That's.........insane," Harry breathed in shock.

I stepped behind my Shadow Self, said the merging spell, walked forward and was one again.

"What do you think? Can I do this with everyone?"

"They might take some convincing, but I don't see why not? " He replied, still in shock.

I smiled as my cheeks began to turn crimson and I wheeled the mirror back to where it had been. With another flick of my wand, the curtains opened and the lights turned back off.

"Come on, we should get back to class," I said, as I headed for the door and Harry followed suit.

"Where did you hear about that spell?" Harry asked in an excited hushed tone, as we walked through the corridor.

"I was doing some reading in the restricted section - " I jumped as Professor Snape turned the corner and I had to stop suddenly, so I wouldn't walk into him.

I met his eyes and gulped nervously as his beady eyes stared me down.

"Hello professor.....," I began.

"Ms Granger.........Mr Potter," he drawled slowly, "why are you both out of class?"

"We.......we're just heading that way," Harry replied calmly.

Snape sighed in disapproval, as if he didn't believe a word we said.

Before he could start another sentence, I blurted out, "Good day professor," and yanked Harry's arm, pulling him behind me, and set off in the direction of transfiguration.

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