Chapter 3: Playtime with Afton's kids

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We first went into Elizabeth's room. Her room had a flower picture on her wall and what looked like a broken toy was sitting on the floor next to her bed. She went over to a bin and pulled out two toys. One of a clown with red hair and white skin and the other one of a white and pink fox. It kinda looks like the other toy by her bed. "Here! You can be Funtime Foxy! And I will be Circus Baby!" Elizabeth said. We left her room and went to Evan's room. Evan's room was darker and the only light that was on was his lamp on his nightstand. He had some toys on the floor, a brown bear, a blue bunny, a yellow chicken, and a red fox but his head was missing. Evan went to his bed and took a yellow bear with purple accessories from it. "That Fred bear! That's Evan's favorite like Circus Baby mine! Maybe we can find your favorite animatronic one day!" Elizabeth said. "Animatronic?" I asked, confused. "Oh well my daddy owns a pizzeria and he and our uncle Henry make these animatronic! You should go there one day with us!" Elizabeth said. "Oh okay" I said and we started to play with the toys.

William POV

I was waiting by the door for Y/n and M/n to show up. I've been waiting for today, well since Wednesday. I heard the doorbell ring and I opened the door to see my sweet Y/n and her mother. "Y/n! M/n! Welcome in!" I said to them. We walked into the house and went into the living room where Michael and Evan were watching a movie. "These are my sons Michael and Evan!" I said to them. "Y/n, why don't you go talk to them!" M/n said to Y/n. "Okay" she said and walked over to Michael and Evan. I went into the kitchen while M/n followed me. "So what do you do for a living?" M/n asked me. "Oh, I built animatronics and I'm the co-founder of a pizzeria near here" I told her. "Oh wow, that must be a lot of work. What does your wife do?" M/n asked. "Oh my wife dies after giving birth to my youngest one" I said while taking out the food from the oven. "Oh I'm so sorry for bringing that up! If you ever need me to help, I will" M/n said.

'How could this woman have raised Y/n for so long? She's really annoying' I thought while laying the food out on the table. M/n help set up the table while talking about her new job as a finance worker somewhere. After the table was set up, I called the kids in. "Kids! Dinner ready!" I called for the kids. All the kids came into the dining room. Y/n took a seat next to M/n as I sat next to her / at the end of the table next to me. Elizabeth sat across from Y/n and Evan next to her. Michael was at the other end of the table, facing me. "Let's dig in!" I said. We all made our plates and started eating. "So Y/n, what grade are you in?" I asked Y/n. "5th grade" she said. "Oh you are a year younger than Evan" I said. Throughout the dinner I kept asking her questions like 'do you have any allergies' or 'when is your birthday'. M/n did absolutely nothing and just thought that I was just trying to get to know her. After everyone finished dinner M/n said, "Y/n, Why don't you go and play with Elizabeth and Evan!". "Yes! Come on Y/n!" Elizabeth said and grabbed Y/n hand. "Oh, Okay" she said and followed them up to their rooms.

I started to clean up the leftovers while M/n talked to Michael. I could tell Michael was uncomfortable, so was I but I would put up with her to see my sweet Y/n. I finished cleaning up the kitchen and made some coffee for me and M/n. I went into the living room where M/n and Michael were. "Here M/n, I make some coffee" I said and handed her the mug. "Oh, thank you!" M/n said as she took the mug. Michael was watching 'Superman' from 1978, not paying attention to us. We were talking about random stuff when M/n brought up some information about Y/n like her birthday, some childhood memories, and some other stuff about her. This was the only thing I was paying attention to, I was storing all of this in my head. 'I should start working on Y/n room but I have to take it slow' I thought.


As we all were playing, Elizabeth was mainly talking about how she really wants to go see Circus Baby but her father won't let her. "Elizabeth! Circus Baby is not even done yet! She will be done in like 3 months!" Evan said to Elizabeth. "Whatever, hey Y/n, what about you coming to Freedy's with us? I think we're going tomorrow" Elizabeth said to me. "Oh well- I have to ask my mom" I said. "Let's go ask!" Elizabeth said as she stand up and dragged me down stairs to our parents. "Daddy! I got a question!" Elizabeth said. "What is it sweetie?" Mr. Afton said. He was on the couch with my mom and Michael was watching a movie. "Can Y/n come to Freedy's with us tomorrow?" Elizabeth asked. "Well...?" Mr. Afton looked at my mother. "Well I guess so but Y/n You must stay near Mr. Afton or one of the siblings" my mother said. "Yea! Y/n coming!" Elizabeth said as she hugged me. "What time do we leave?" I asked.

"Around 9 okay" Mr. Afton said. "Well, we better get go" My mother said. "Well see you tomorrow Y/n. I will come over and drive you" Mr. Afton said. "Bye Y/n!" Elizabeth and Michael said. As we left the house I felt like something was watching me.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 1013

Platonic Yandere Afton Family x child readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora