Deku's Past?

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Izuku was sitting as his desk when Bakugou had called out from across the room, "OI, shitty Deku!"and had started snickering when Izuku tensed. The bell had just gone, so he opted to ignore him and continue packing his bag. But Bakugou wasn't having it. He stomped over to Izuku's desk and roughly shoved his shoulder. Izuku turned to face him as their friends started crowding around. Kirishima stepped forward, trying to get in between the two teens. Aizawa stood back, ready to intervene should it escalate.

"Hey, that's not manly, dude. Leave Midoriya alone." He said, putting his hands up placatingly.

Izuku sighed through his nose and looked around Kirishima and up at Bakugou from where he was still seated, "What's up, Kacchan?" He muttered, still loud enough for everyone to hear, though.

Bakugou smirked, "Still using that stupid ass nickname, huh Deku?" Izuku sighed again and went to turn away, not wanting to deal with his stupidity, cause guess what Kacchan! 'Deku' is a fucking nickname as well!

Instead of letting it go, Bakugou wanted a rise out of Izuku so he grabbed his shoulder and forced him to turn around and face him.

"Fucking coward, too fucking weak to face me, huh?"

As Aizawa went to finally step forward, the tension in the room peaked for some reason, causing everyone to freeze. Izuku was glaring at Bakugou, daring him to say something else.

Bakugou froze as well, staring at Izuku who, for the first time in their lives, was looking at him with something akin to hatred in his gaze.

"Me?" Izuku uttered, disbelievingly, "Weak?" He huffed something like an outraged sigh, shook his head and stood up. "Was I weak when I found out I was quirkless?" He asked, seeming to forget about his audience and only focussing on Bakugou. "Was I weak when my dad left?" He rose an eyebrow questioningly at him, "Was I weak when you bullied me and beat me and put me down relentlessly and was I WEAK," he took a step towards him and Bakugou flinched, as did everyone else, their eyes gradually growing wider, "when you told me to take a swan dive off the roof of a building?"

There was silence for thirty seconds before the room erupted into chaos. This seemed to shock both Izuku and Bakugou out of their stupors, remembering they had an audience. Izuku freaked out realising he had just revealed information that nobody in this room besides himself and Bakugou had known before-hand. He felt a hand come to rest on his shoulder, but instead of calming him down like the person had probably hoped, it just freaked him out more.

Before he could register what he was doing, he had activated OFA and was racing out of the room, with cries of "Izuku!" and "Deku!" coming from behind him.


As soon as Izuku had raced out of the room, Ochako had stormed up to Bakugou and slapped him across the face. 

She couldn't hold back, screaming at him, "How fucking dare you?!" 

Before she could continue raging at him for being the pathetic human being that he was, Aizawa had slotted himself in between tem, blocking Bakugou from her view. He nodded at the door, looking over the top of her head at someone. She didn't really care who, she just wanted to slap the piece of garbage again, maybe even kick him where it would really, really fucking hurt. 

While she was fuming, she had failed to realise that everyone around her had gone silent. When the silence did finally registered, she looked up and found Aizawa facing away from her. She looked past him and saw the garbage still looking at the place where Izuku and been sitting only minutes prior. 

"Bakugou." Her teachers voice came out gravelly, showing more emotion than any other time that they had ever heard him talk. 

The asshole had the audacity to gulp and turn to face the underground hero. He refused to look him in the eyes, and hummed, letting him know he had heard the teacher. 

Ochako smiled evilly, knowing he was finally going to get what he deserved.


Before Todoroki could race after his best friend, he had to deal with the piece of shit that was still standing and gaping at the empty space of air in front of it. Ochako stalked over to stand in front of the garbage and slapped it across the face. 

"How fucking dare you!" She screamed at it. Aizawa was instantly in between the two, separating them. 

He turned to look at Todoroki and nodded towards the door where Izuku had raced out of only seconds before hand. He nodded back and raced out of the door after his best friend. When he made it out of the door, it was the weirdest experience ever. Everyone, even the teachers, were all standing stock still. All facing away from Todoroki. He grimaced, knowing everyone had probably watched Izuku use his quirk and sprint away from the class. He can't believe that he didn't know about anything that Bakugou had done to him. He didn't really understand what Izuku meant by quirkless though, cause when someone was diagnosed as quirkless, rarely was that diagnosis incorrect. 

He knew that it didn't matter much now though, first he had to find his best friend, that was probably having a nervous breakdown somewhere. He caught the eye of Present Mic, one of the teachers who were still standing in the hall, who nodded his head towards where everyone was facing confirming his suspicions about where Izuku had run to. He started sprinting down the hall, wanting to catch up before Izuku got too far ahead and also got too lost inside his own traitorous mind. He saw the door to the boys bathroom swinging, and making a split second decision he headed into the bathroom. 

He could hear sobbing coming from the end toilet and as he made his way there, he made sure to make his steps loud, letting Izuku know someone was there. 

As he rounded the corner, he was met with the sight of his boyfriend curled up on the ground, with his head buried in his arms.


Did he forget to mention they're dating? —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Hey guys! I got this idea from a fic on AO3 that was just writing small stories to go along with prompts. They did this prompt (Deku snaps and lets everyone know about Bakugou's and his past), but they were sick when they did it and it honestly wasn't their best writing (which I 100% don't blame them for, I know I wouldn't write at all if I was sick lol and I loved all of their other stories) but yeah, this is one of my 'dream' fanfics where the class FINALLY finds out about their past.

This is also a one shot, cause I don't know how to continue. :( Sorry.

Thx for reading and if anyone is reading my Harry Potter reaction book, I am trying to figure out who to bring in next, then I can continue that...
(In other words I have writers block)

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