Surprising But Welcome Text

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Isaac was in love with Allison. At least, he thought he was but right now, as she lay in the hospital bed after the Nogitsune's attack, he couldn't help but think he didn't truly love her. Not in the way Scott did. He threw the small bouquet of flowers in the trashcan on his way out of the hospital and shoved his hands in his pockets. The bouquet was pitiful anyways but it was all he could afford. Isaac had nowhere to go and no idea what to do. Who could he even call? He didn't want to be alone.

Stiles was in love with Malia. That's what he told himself anyway but as he watched Theo be the one she sought out for comfort, he realized even if he truly did love her, his feelings would be unrequited. Free of the Nogitsune at last but still calling darkness home, he melted into the shadows and left.

His hands clenched together in the pocket of his hoodie as he departed. Stiles didn't want to be alone but everyone had their own thing going on right now. Even if they didn't, Stiles didn't think any of them would want to spend time with him. He wouldn't blame them. Despite him being possessed, and having no control over anything he said or did, he was the face they saw kill, torture and destroy. So yeah why would he blame them?

Allison had Scott and Isaac. That thought hurt like a bitch but Stiles had no idea why. It didn't have anything to do with any feelings for one of them. No siree. Not at all. Nope. Stiles snorted at his inability to lie convincingly even to himself. It didn't matter either way.

So with a sigh he headed to the recently renovated Hale House to see if Derek happened to return yet. To no one's surprise, least of all Stiles's, there was no sourwolf. A worn out amber eyed man sank down on the front steps with a sigh. Now what?

The loft was the only place Isaac could think of to go. Derek had told him before leaving that it was open to him whenever. It was while he was curled up in Derek's old bed nearing two am that a thought hit Isaac. He scoffed and shook his head, scrubbing his face with his hands. It was a crazy idea and yet the more he thought about it the more he felt like an idiot for not thinking of it sooner.

Isaac fumbled with his phone and shot off a text before he could overthink it. Maybe he wasn't the only one who could use someone right now. After all, there was one other person who would have been affected by what went down, someone affected even more so than Allison.

Stiles was almost asleep, leaning awkwardly against the porch railing, when he startled awake at the vibration of his phone. Bleary eyed and filled with bone deep exhaustion, he pulled his phone out and unlocked it. It took a few minutes for his eyes to focus and when they did he was surprised at who the sender was.

Hey Mischief. Are you still up? I was thinking maybe you could use company. What do ya say?

Stiles swallowed thickly, his cheeks flushing a pretty shade of pink. He did say he didn't want to be alone. Right? Also, no one had called him that in years. In fact, the person using the name now is the last person to have called him that since his mom died. His stomach flipped and flopped, swarming with butterflies as he sent a quick reply. Maybe too quick? Stiles hoped it wasn't pathetic how eager he was.

I'll bring the candy.

I've got the soda covered.

Where are we meeting?

Hale house? Derek's off somewhere out there.

Already here. See ya soon?

Omw! :) xx

For a moment, Isaac regretted sending a smiley face and had no earthly idea why he sent not just one but two freaking kisses. However, that regret was immediately replaced by a flood of warmth at Stiles's reply.

I'll be here, Izzy. :) x

Stiles bit his lip, unknowingly mimicking Isaac's own lip between the blonde haired boy's teeth. This was the first time Stiles had truly smiled in a very long time and the fact that it was because of Isaac was even better. It made him feel hope for the first time in a long time as well.

Both of them quickly set about getting the goodies for their hangout, excitement evident in their expressions, movement and speed at which they gathered everything. They wouldn't be lonely now. Neither of them had to be alone. Maybe just maybe, they would soon realize there was a reason they reached out to and sought comfort from each other in particular.

Surprising But Welcome TextWhere stories live. Discover now