The Doorbell

8 1 3

The first story please do not be too harsh on me




Krish: eh.. what it is 6 in the morning.

*runs down*

 Kiran: Listen Krish I and your mom are going to your grandmom's place as we have heard she has gotten sick, so we will come back in two days ok ... behave .. here is some cash this will help you with food till we are back. 

Krish: Ok Dad I will tack care of the house call me when you reach.

Kiran: good to hear bye and do not let strangers in the house and be careful.

Krish: will do.

*the parents leave in the car*

Krish:'les go I got the whole house to myself'

Krish:*picks his phone and dials a number*

???:*picks up the call*

???: Man it's SIX in the morning what do u want?

 Krish: listen Adi my parents are gone out come home we shall enjoy ourselves, what do u say?

Adithya: Ok man ill be there at 10 what say?

Krish: Sure bro come soon ok.... get some snacks on your way ok

 Adithya: Sure man

Krish: Cool*cuts the call*.

Krish:*Gets on his laptop and starts playing Minecraft *

//Four hours pass //

Krish:'lets go the Drago is going down'


Krish:'eh who is it .....Shit..F**k u dragon'

*runs down in anger and opens the door in rage*

Krish: who is it ???

Adithya: Yo.

Krish: what do you want???

Adithya: you called me... let me guess u died in Minecraft???

Krish: whatever dude did u get some snacks ??

Adithya: ya. *hands Krish a bag*

Krish: damn ... u went all out eh??

Krish: By the way, I wrote a new script wanna read it??

Adithya: damn you are a psycho man why are all your scripts so dark

Krish: at least I do write good scripts unlike ur two unpublished scripts

Adithya: man u did not have to go there, chill man 

Krish: ya ya whatever here let's watch a movie 

 Adithya: cool but which one *both sit on the couches in the living room*

Krish: How about Jhon Wick chapter 4 eh ??

Adithya: Didn't that get recently released ??

Krish: ya it did but my dad was able to get his hands on a copy 

Adithya: I see ...fine then let's watch

*they start watching the movie*

//During the movie//


Adithya: what, who is it, the movie was about to go to the best part.

Krish: That must be the pizza I ordered ill go get it.

Adithya: oh ok 

Krish:*Pauses the film and goes to the door and opens it*

???: Krish??

Krish: yes 

???: OTP sir

Krish: 4545 

???: enjoy your meal, sir, 

Krish: thank you

*closes the door*

Adithya: which pizza man

Krish: I ordered a large margarita, garlic bread, and two Pepsi 

 Adithya: cool 

Krish: by the way did u hear 

Adithya: what man  

Krish: Niraj and Metu broke up 

Adithya: what ???

Krish: ya and our boy Karun got a girl 

Adithya: damn man got rizz

Krish: Oh and Niraj he is what u say chaloo 

Adithya: oh that he is but why do u say that 

Krish: well he already got a second girl

Adithya: damn 

Krish: By the way, we three are going out to the new movie Pope's Extortionist

Adithya: sure man 

*they sit down and start watching  the movie and eating the food*


Adithya: Man we just sat down 

Krish:  you open it I got the pizza

Adithya: ok you  meanie 

Adithya:*goes  and opens door*

Adithya: who is three??


Krish:*gets up*
Krish: who is there adi?? ...adi who is at the door???


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