Chapter 1

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*Dream Normal POV*

"Please Raisa, don't die on me!" a young, yet deep, voiced boy sobbed next a fiery red haired girl.

"I'm sorry Atem." the girl, Raisa, voiced weakly. She had eaten poison food and was now dying.

"Stay with me!" the boy, Atem, pleaded just as she closed her eyes and took her last breath

"No!" the young boy roared, his voice filled with sorrow. He open his mouth to say something more but all that came out was *BEEP BEEP BEEP* The vague dream was interrupted by a young girl's Alarm Clock going off.

*End Dream: Rin's POV*

"It's always the same dream." I said through a yawn. Today was the day I was moving in to live with my cousin, Joey. You see, my parents died in a car crash just a few days ago. I was left with only the stuff I owned and a necklace my mother gave me. It was a Blue diamond in the shape of an Scarab with a ruby in the middle on a gold chain. It came with a small gold circlet, that had some sort of eye on it. I never took either of them off due to them being the last gifts from her I owned. Thus I was going to live with my cousin in Domino city. I was "5.6" with fiery red hair with blond highlights, eyes that were blue, pale skin, and I am neither skinny or fat. I look older than I am due to my curves. They were more of a curse than good luck. Oh yeah, my name is Rin Kazuna.

Something my parents told me, was to never show anyone was my birthmark. I have no clue why they would say that though. Then again, they've always been the superstitious type of people. It was several shades darker than the rest of my skin and was shaped like a Falcon flying close to the sun. I actually found it beautiful despite the oddity. I'm an ordinary girl, or so I tell myself. The thing is, ever since I was little I had dreams of a boy with crimson eyes and tri colored hair from a long time ago. I can never make out anything else about him besides those two things. 

I am also able to a lot of other weird things. I can see people's auras, hear what they are thinking, and maybe many other things I don't know of at the moment. I'm actually sort of happy there isn't anything more than what I currently know I can do. Yes I am psychic. And it, like being curvy, it is more of a curse than anything else. I mean who would like the constant invasion of aura's and people's thought?! I sure don't. 

I got out of bed and washed my face, brushed my teeth and then brushed my hair. My bag was already packed, so was my purse, my cloths for the day were set out on the bedside table. I took of my nightgown and put it on the open flap of the suitcase. I then put on my outfit for the day. I wore a pair of black pants, blue boots that matched my camisole, which was also blue. The finishing touch was a black jacket and I was ready to go. My necklace was still on me just like my circlet, which was hidden by my hair.

I zipped up my suitcase, grabbed my purse and began to walk to my car. It was going to be a long day today and even tomorrow. I had to enter a new school  and a new city after all. I got in and started up the engine before buckling my seatbelt and driving away from my house. Or rather what was once was my house. It no longer felt like my home without my mom and dad. Sighing, I looked back towards the road and drove towards my destination in silence which left me to my thoughts. 

*WIth Joey and the others: Joey's POV*

"Is everyone ready?" I asked my friends as I paced the room. I got several 'yes's and a 'of course' from Tea. "My cousin will be here any minute and I want everything to be perfect." I told them, completely serious.

"Joey, calm down. I'm sure everything will be fine." Yugi, my friend told me with a gentle hand placed on my back.

"I'm sorry Yug," I told him relaxing slightly. "It's just that I want this to be a warm welcome after what she went through." That was the complete truth. I had told them yesterday about my cousin coming to live with me, and why she would be doing so. They had looked shocked before it turned to sadness and in a few cases anger. I'm not going to mention any names.

"We understand Joey." Tea said to me while the the others nodded in confirmation. "No one should go through that." she added a little softer. We stood there in silence till the loud ring of the doorbell broke it.

"She's here!" I whisper shouted to the others. They nodded and took their places. I walked to the door and opened it only to gape at my cousin standing there. "Rin, is that really you?" I asked still shocked. She had grown up a lot. And I do mean  a lot. She was no longer the little red haired girl that used to visit me. To be fair, I'm no longer the scrawny blond haired boy that used wait anxiously for her visits.

"Hey Joey," she said while forcing a smile. "I guess I don't like I used to." she added after a bit of hesitation.

"Come on in." I told her. "I want you to meet some people." I stepped aside for her to enter before shutting the door behind her. I then led her to the living room where the others were hidden. I watched her look around the room smiling slightly, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. It broke my heart to see her this way. She used to be such a trouble maker and now that part of her was most likely gone.

Sighing I motioned for my friends to come out of their hiding spots. They did so and scared my cousin to death. The first to greet Rin was of course, Yugi. "Nice to meet you Rin. I'm Yugi." he told her. I felt myself relax as she smiled, and this time it reached her eyes.

~Yugi's POV~

I had been talking with her for the past few minutes. We actually shared a great deal in common. She was a fellow Duel Monster duelist like me. That was one of the things we had in common. Some other things were that we both believed in the heart of cards, had a sense of justice and love for friends. Throughout the whole conversation I had a strong yet strange feeling I had seen her before. "So Rin, have you ever been in a tournament before?" I asked her curiously.

Before she could respond, I was pushed aside by Tristan. Sighing I watched as he scared her with his flirting. I mean, it would scare anyone when a person you've never met before gets in your personal space and starts flirting with you. "Hey Rin, you look like a beautiful Rose." he told her, scaring her even more till Joey hit him on the back of the head. This caused the two of them to fight while Tea shook her head and walked away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Rin look at me with sad eyes while smiling softly. I felt my face heat up due to her closeness. "To answer your question Yugi, I'm second only to Kaiba." she told me in a whisper. I looked at her shocked. " I heard that you beat him which means I'm now second only to you." she added after I regained my composure. At that last comment I felt my face heat up once more. I wasn't used to praise. It didn't help that she was ascetically pleasing either. 

I gave her a small sheepish smile to which she returned, and this time it reached her eyes. I didn't notice the glow that surrounded my puzzle. I was too busy thinking that she looked pretty when she smiled. At that very moment Joey decided to pull her off towards the kitchen while Tristan and Tea decided to take her stuff to her new room.

Soon all of us were eating the meal Tea and Tristan had created while Joey glared daggers at Tristan, being completely protective of his red haired cousin.  It looked like he was even more protective of his cousin than his sister Serenity. It made sense though. Joey has always been protective of his family members.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the small smile on Rin's face while she watched Tea, Tristan and Joey fight a verbal warfare.

Rin finished her last bite before getting out of her seat to wash the dishes. She returned to the room and cleared her throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Thank you everyone for the meal. I'm going to unpack before I take a shower and get in the bed." And with that she walked out leaving silence behind. Just before she was out of sight I saw something drop onto the floor as she retreated. I then realized it was a tear. Why was she crying? Had we done something to cause that sort of reaction? 

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go." I told my friends. They looked like they agreed. "Thanks Joey for having us over."

"Don't think anything of it! You guys are my friends and Rin needs friends right now." he told me, smiling his toothy grin. He walked us to the door and thanked us once more before he shut the door behind us. I couldn't stop thinking about the tear that landed on the floor and the red haired girl it belonged to. I wanted to know more about her. She was like a puzzle and being the puzzle lover I am I wanted to solve it. It wouldn't be tonight though. I would need to wait for tomorrow to start unraveling the mystery. The three of us split up at the game shop my Grandpa owned. It was also my home. We said good night and prepared ourselves for the day ahead of us.

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