Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV:

I ran through the deep, never ending forest. Branch sticks crashing into me and the cold air battering against my face. My breathing was rapid, it could be easily seen through the cool air as I inhaled and exhaled. The cold air held my skin like a blanket, making me shiver continuously. The sounds of paws hitting against the snow and heavy breathing could be heard behind me as I ran. My skin was currently a crimson red, my nose running of fluids and frost could be seen on my skin. I stopped running and turned around to face them, their blue eyes planting holes into my soul as I stared at them. They were still running towards me, each step they took planted paw prints into the snow leaving a trail behind them.

I don't know why I just froze, I wanted to move and keep running, but it's like I was paralyzed. My body was refusing to move a limb, and a cold breeze of wind flew towards me, wrapping around my aching body. Just then, everything around me stopped, like the world completely stopped spinning. I stared into the eyes of the wolf one more time, watching as they dilated. I took this chance to run again, zipping through the large trees that stood tall within me, leaving the hungry pack of wolves behind me.

I couldn't recall how long I was running for, minutes, hours, or seconds. I just wanted to get away from those wolves. As I ran, I couldn't help but think of how that wolf looked at me, it wasn't a hungry look or a enemy look, he looked like he wanted to claim me as his, the way his eyes dilated as he made eye contact with me.

I stopped running, slowing down my pace as I stood upon a old wooden cabin that looked abandoned. The trees stood tall above the wooden building. The door was cocked open a little, the cold air flowing inside making the atmosphere inside of it look cold. I was out of breath, my heart was beating rapidly, and I was feeling dizzy and nauseous.

I walked towards the cabin entrance, opening the door, the creaking sound filling the silence that resonated into thin air. Cobwebs were everywhere, and the thick smell of old rotting flesh filled my nose as I stepped inside. A window was broken, and a treasure chest that laid right beside it was rusted and old.

At this rate, I didn't seem to pay attention to how old and dangerous the atmosphere felt, I just needed some rest. I looked to my right and noticed a empty corner, no furniture to flourish it up. I walked over to the corner, sitting down. My body relaxed as soon as my legs made a connection with the floor. I looked up at the ceiling, hoping that by the time I wake up, I wouldn't be in this mess.

A tear slipped from my eye, resting onto the palette of my cheek as I realized that I was currently lost. I didn't know the ways of my hometown, after being chased into a dainty old forest by wolves, this could've been my ending point.

I decided it would be best to rest it off, laying myself flat against the old wooden floor. It was uncomfortable, yes- but I didn't have a choice. I needed some rest. I glanced up at the ceiling on more time, as I felt sleepiness take over my awakened mind.

My eyes went limp, my eyelids creating a dark curtain over my eyes. I finally went to sleep, the retention in my body finally flowing away as I did.

Alpha Malcom Fenris POV:

"Such an adorable little one."

I said, grazing my thumb over her soft, crimson red cheek. I watched as she rested, the cushion clothing hugging her freezing body. Everything about her was beautiful.

"She would be a good mate for you!"

Warg said in excitement, walking closer to the sleeping human. He kneeled down and leaned in, putting his ear towards her mouth to see if she was breathing. He nodded in approval and stepped backwards from her.

"Should we take her to the castle?"

Regnol asked, pointing toward the carriage we drove here. I nodded, smiling at the little human that nuzzled against my hand like how a puppy would. I found myself giggling at the little action she did, but my giggles faded away into a slit poker face when I realized that smiling isn't my duty or hobby.

"Put her in the carriage."

I said, standing up and slowly backing away from the girl. Two guards came and carried the girl firmly, making sure she didn't fall. I watched all of their actions, in between scanning the little human that rested in the guards embrace.

"Back to the castle we go."

Warg squealed, following up behind the guards who had already put the sleeping human into the back of the carriage. I walked towards the carriage and got in, the human will finally be in safe hands now.

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