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"You can be the boss."
01. talk to me kosher boy.

author's note; i found out through some interviewsthat matt was a) an honors student and b) a math/filmdouble major and literally felt cogs turning in my head

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author's note; i found out through some interviews
that matt was a) an honors student and b) a math/film
double major and literally felt cogs turning in my head.
hence this fic came to be <3

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"Y/N, be honest with me, are these sessions actually helping?"
"What? Yeah... I think so, why? D'you think I'm that bad?"

Three weeks into biweekly sessions with Matt, and your grasp on statistics had barely improved. He'd initially been understanding and even sympathetic of your circumstances, but your disinterest towards the subject was becoming more obvious by the day.
You frequently derailed his teachings by initiating small talk.
You texted memes to the number he gave you for math questions.
And you never completed the booklets he gave you to practice with.
You could tell he was getting fed up, but you were fed up with school as a whole, so you couldn't bring yourself to care that much.

The two of you were sitting side by side at his desk as he tried with little success to explain the current topic.

"I know it's super annoying to hear this, but I feel like if you just put a little more effort in... Took some initiative... You would actually get better at this shit. I'm trying my best to give you your money's worth, but you need to pull your own weight too. Just paying me for these sessions isn't enough if you're not making any real attempt to pass, dude."

He was being stern and assertive in his own awkward little way, and while his words were fairly tame you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was utterly sick of your shit. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. You paid for a math tutor, not a life coach.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I think I'm just a lost cause."
"Ok, no, nobody's a lost cause. That's just an excuse. You're just unmotivated. Let's start from the top."

You groaned loudly and childishly, cupping your face in your hands.

"Come on, man... can we please just do something else for a second?? This shit is breaking my brain." You feigned exhaustion and dramatically flopped into his side, pressing your temple into his shoulder. You couldn't help but notice his body stiffen and tremble a bit as he became visibly flustered in response to the sudden contact. There was a mix of frustration and confusion evident in his expression, as he grappled with his clashing annoyance at you and his desire for more physical touch. He looked at the watch on his wrist and fiddled with it for a moment.

"I guess we can take... a quick break. No more than five minutes. But you have to get serious afterwards, we've only got half an hour left."

You flashed him a pleased grin. His eyes flickered between your lips and your eyes before he turned to the other direction completely, nervously scooting away and separating your legs which had been brushing against each other.

It occurred to you then how cute Matt was. Obviously, he was attractive, regardless of being kind of dorky - he was fit, tall as hell and had great bone structure - but observing him at that moment, so easily stirred up at the smallest amount of touch, you felt an unwavering urge to keep teasing him. An idea began to form in your mind as you continued to stare at him.

"Well... Actually... I was thinking maybe we could work overtime today. An extra hour or two, maybe?"

His eyes widened, and he looked at you doubtfully. Normally, you'd be aching to escape these sessions. Hearing you suddenly suggesting an even longer one immediately set off alarms in his head.

"I guess we could go over the limit -" He began to reply apprehensively. "- I mean, I don't have much else planned today. You're gonna have to pay extra, though."
"Come on, Matt, you know I can barely afford our regular sessions, I'm already behind on last week's payments."
"Yeah, y/n, I know you are."
You pouted. "I really need the extra help, or else I'll get royally fucked over on the exams."

You leaned in and shot him some puppy eyes, grabbing hold of his tricep and stroking it a bit with your thumb to sweeten the deal. His arms were surprisingly toned.

Matt bit his lip and attempted to brush away a mound of curls that had been clinging to his damp forehead. His mind raced as your thumb massaged circles into his skin. If the plethora of porn he'd watched in his life that followed this exact setup taught him anything, it was that there's only one proper way to respond to a proposal like this.

"Okay Y/N, I'll extend this lesson for free. I'll even ignore your debt from last week."
"Really? Oh, Matt, you're an angel! I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise! I'll do anything you want!"
"Yeah? Anything?"

The room fell silent. He pushed his chair out and turned it to face you head on. You watched, tentatively, as he proceeded to grasp the buckle of his belt, never breaking eye contact with you as he slowly undid it.
"How about you suck my cock?"

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐁𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐒 ; MATT STONEWhere stories live. Discover now