Chapter 14 : Downfall

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Three days since Lucille had learned of Matron's condition, three days since Matron had forgiven her, and encouraged her to spend more time with Aida. It had been three days since she had last seen Aida.

And now she lay in bed, clutching the book he had given her when they first met.

He'd changed. Ever since she had gone to visit him when he was sick. He wasn't the same anymore.

Where was cheerful, over-excitable Aida?

She remembered when he'd hugged her in the library, how she'd pushed him away like a fool.

Gods, she would do anything for his embrace now.

And maybe now it was too late.

He didn't like her anymore. At least, not really, not like he used to.

It was probably her fault too. He clearly had an interest in her, but she was too eager and always tried to hurry it along. Just like when she had invited him for dinner, and he'd stared at her as if she was mad.

Still, he had been kind enough to humour her, but perhaps her Velcro tendencies were beginning to have consequences.

A single, glimmering tear slid down her cheek, fell onto her cotton pillow.

The moon had hidden its face behind the clouds, and the sky was dark outside her window, lonely, just like her.

Everything was going horribly wrong.

Matron was dying, and Aida didn't like her.

And where was Asteria?

There were no rose petals left to call her.

She was alone.

But she had the ring.

Aida had given her the ring and told her to contact him whenever it pleased her.

Perhaps he didn't dislike her enthusiasm towards him? Perhaps it was something else, something he didn't wish to speak of.

Or perhaps it was something to do with that woman he'd mentioned by accident only three days ago.

Perhaps his mother, whom he disliked, didn't wish him to be wed.

Lucille frowned, and reached into her bedside cabinet, retrieved the gold ring.

Three days was a long time. Surely it would be acceptable to contact him now.

The bell tower struck one in the distance, tolling over the foggy streets.

Lucille pulled her knees to her chest, staring at the ring intently. Dare she risk contacting him at such a time? What if he was asleep?

Another tear dribbled down her cheek.

In an act of bravery, she slipped the ring onto her finger, and waited in nervous anticipation as it lit up, and a golden light shone throughout the room.

Thirty seconds passed, a minute, then finally it faded, and she opened her eyes to Aida, sitting on the windowsill with a blue cape hugging his body. He looked half asleep. His white hair was a bit of a mess too, falling over his shoulder.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," he chuckled, putting a hand to his forehead, "one in the morning?"

"I'm sorry." She swallowed nervously but clambered out of her bed onto the old carpet.

Dei Amor (formerly "Deus Relicta")Where stories live. Discover now