Chapter 1: Trusting Streets

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The key for this chapter:

Eijun's Thoughts

Anyone Else's Thoughts

'Old dialogues memories, spoken out loud thoughts, the past in general...'



""Not an Actual Speech or Thought""


Warning: Alternative POVs



Trust his father said was always a two-way street, Eijun genuinely wondered on most days if he was a trustworthy individual. He'd hoped so, but a lot of events made it feel like the team couldn't, wouldn't trust him, maybe because compared to all the other first years, he was still juvenile. It hurt being the last to know Miyuki had been hurt, it hurt when the team, the coach had trusted the Ace in the game against Ichidai, it felt as if Miyuki was pushing him away, forcing him to work with Okumura... it hurt.

And in some ways, many ways, he knew he had to work hard to get their acknowledgment, it would help if he could understand baseball better. Understand how things worked, so anything he did would allow a little more trust his way. Wild passion could only take him so far.

The inter-squad matches were just around the corner, maybe if he worked harder, and learned about the principles faster, he'd be able to be a better ally—

His thoughts abruptly jerked away from him and he ducked behind a wayward tree, in the school's courtyard as he spied Miyuki and the girl talking;

Oh God! Is that what I think it is? A confession? That sly bastard... Wait, why am I hiding?

Ducking into a crouch, he wondered if there was a way to sneak away, it would be impossible at this rate, as the girl suddenly started;

"I called you out here to ask you a very important question, Miyuki sempai", she started, and Eijun peeked out from a cluster of leaves, something in the way the dirt shifted alerted him to Miyuki as if the older boy was bracing from impact. The shifting was similar to when he was up for batting, "I really like you Miyuki sempai, I would like to go out with you", she stated her voice holding a timbre of nervousness, but overall her approach had been bold. 

In a way Eijun respected her.

Miyuki swallowed audibly, "Thank you for your feelings", he accepted humbly.

Humble? Miyuki? The Hell???

"But I'm sorry, I cannot accept them, for me right now nothing but baseball comes first—"

Yup, there's the Miyuki Kazuya I know and love...

"—With that mindset, if we even went out, I wouldn't be able to sincerely give you any attention, and that will just cause us both strife in the end, and I'd hate to be the one to make a pretty girl as you cry", he apologized smiling tightly.

The girl inhaled once and then nodded a soft smile of relief and acceptance, "I just had to tell you", she whispered, "Thank you for being honest", she stated smiling, and then with a bow, she walked away.

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