Chapter 1

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Stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her stab her. Just kill her and get over with it. Do it now. Do it. Its easy. Do it now coward! Stop crying and do it! Hurry before the parents come. Before she wakes up. Hurry!

“Shut up!“ I cry and sob into my arms. The damp piece of cloth barely keeping me warm in this prison. Its been 2190 days since ive seen her. Its been 2190 days of the same nightmare of memories. Its been 2190 days since ive seen them. I cant help but wonder how everyone here can still look at me. I am a monster.

“Get your ass up now 3724-AM now!“ He screeched. Then followed with grabbing me by the arm and shoving me out of my cell. “3724-AM fail to comply again today and you'll be killed. Understand?“ I nod.

I then head to the cafeteria. Ive been starving myself for 33 days. Ive been slowly killing myself. It hasnt worked. Yet. I grab my meal and give it to Aaron. He is my partner. He takes my food and in exchange he has to do my chores.

After 25 minutes we are dismissed to our chores or cells. I head to my cell. I grab my book. Im allowed one book per week. I struggle not to finish my book in 3 days. Usually. I manage however. I finish the book and am able to get a new one since its been 7 days since my last visit.

I walk there. And return it to the slot. The librarian offers a smile. I nod. Then look for something to read. I landed on a book called, “Words On Bathroom Walls”. Seemed good enough. The only rule with the one book per week rule is i cant see what its about till in back in my cell. They do this so that way if i choose the wrong thing im bored on end.

They do it to tourture me. To kill what little sanity i have left. They want me to be truly insane. So they feel better when they can kill me. They all hate me. They hate my crime and wish they could kill me in the name of justice. But they cant. Not yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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