Cuz You're My Kaminari Burger

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Sarada collapsed to the ground, blood trickling from her mouth. "Boruto," she mumbled weakly, reaching her hand towards his floating form. One horn protruding from his head, he was none other than the monster everyone fea--

Ah. Ahem. My apologies. It appears we began with the wrong story...




Burgers. Spicy, lemon, limited edition. Every single day, Boruto's mind was occupied by what would be on the menu for lunch. He loved his mom's cooking, but there was nothing like sitting down to a meal at Kaminari Burger.

So when he dug into his delicious burger and fries, he couldn't even begin to notice the longing on Sarada's face. The way she stared at him. The way she tried not to stare at him. And the way she eventually gave up on hiding it because he wasn't paying attention anyway.

Mitsuki however, found all of this to be extremely amusing.

One particularly warm day, team 7 gathered for the sole purpose of Boruto trying a limited edition chocolate spice burger. As they waited in line, he talked about how the sweet would perfectly offset the spicy. How the cheese would be like the icing on the cake. How the sweet tang of the ketchup and the creamy contrast of mayonnaise would balance perfectly with the earthy chocolate flavor.

"Man, I can't wait to try this. It's going to be even better than the last one, ya know!"

Sarada raised an eyebrow. "Better than tuna, canned cheese, and bacon?" It sounded slightly better. And slightly worse. She didn't really like burgers in the first place. But if she said anything against his beloved restaurant, Boruto would give her a looong lecture. And she wasn't in the mood to hear about the amazingness of his disgusting sense of taste.

"It even comes with chocolate shaka shaka fries!" Boruto exclaimed when he noticed the new menu item. "Hey Sarada, are you going to try these? You like chocolate, right?"

She blinked. It was the first time in a long time he had pulled his thoughts away from burgers and asked her a genuine question with a somewhat reasonable follow-up. "Well... I might actually--"

"Mitsuki, are you going to get the burger? You can handle spice, right?"

Interrupted before she could answer. She should have known.

Ordering her usual off of the menu, she stole a glance at Boruto's enthusiastic face before she slid into the side of the booth with Mitsuki. Boruto always seemed so happy... And usually, that was enough to take her out of her grumpy mood from eating lunch at this forsaken place.

But now that her feelings had surpassed that of a simple childhood friend and developed into a genuine crush, it was difficult to deal with an opponent who could be blissfully oblivious.

"Man," said Boruto, pouring the seasoning into his fry bag. "I wonder what chocolate fries taste like? Hey Sarada, what do you think?"

"Hm? Oh, I think--"

Her sentence was cut off once more by the sound of Boruto shaka-shaka-ing. "Mmm would you listen to that shaka shaka! I can smell the chocolate already, ya know!"

Sarada stared, unamused by his amusement. Remind me why I like this idiot again?

And then he peered around his bag of chocolate seasoned fries. "Hm? Sarada, is there something on my face?"

"Huh?" She snapped out of her zoned off state and turned to her own burger. He wasn't eating. His brain wasn't completely gone yet. "I just was wondering what those tasted like," she mumbled, and immediately regretted her decision.

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