Tour of Tokyo

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Akira P.o.v
I had called the rest of the thieves to Leblanc I hadn't been this excited for a long time. You may be asking why I the normally stoic leader of the phantom thieves is as excited as a kid on Christmas well my uncle the Professor of Archaeology Hershel Layton was visiting I had always looked up to the man for as long as I remember. I had always found him to be my role model he was so smart and kind and badass he had also helped reduce my sentence and managed to convince Sojiro to take care of me. I had heard the bell ring and heard my friends voice had rung out from downstairs.
Akira:I am coming down.
Ryuji:So why did you invite us over here.
Akira:Well my uncle is coming over here and I want you to meet him I had always looked up to him.
Akira:Also where is Sumire?
Kasumi:She said that she will be a little late she has been training a lot more these past 2 weeks.
Makoto:So who is your uncle exactly?
Akira:You will meet him soon he said that he should be here in about 10 minutes hey Sojiro could you make us 7 plates of curry.
Sojiro:If you're helping then sure.
Ann:Did you tell him Leblanc's address?
Akira:Yeah I had told him that in the form of a puzzle.
Yusuke:Why a puzzle?
Akira:He loves his puzzles anyway I am going to make help make the curry.
After 5 minutes Akira was still making curry the door suddenly opens and the bell rings a man wearing a brown coat with the collar up a red shirt and a top hat walks in
Sojiro:I am sorry Hershel however the shop is closed right now.
Layton:I apologize Sojiro however I am not here for curry however I am looking for Akira.

Akira:I am in the kitchen making curry Uncle Layton.
Layton:Curry for breakfast I must say that is certainly a unique breakfast meal?
Akira:It's better than you would think do you want to try it.
Layton:Would that be alright with you Sojiro?
Sojiro:Yeah that's fine Hershel.
Makoto:*Whispering to herself* Hershel? that appearance that top hat could it really be him.
Layton:Excuse me young lady?
Makoto:*Scared*Y-Yes sir.
Layton:Do you need something from me.
Makoto:N-No I was just thinking to myself.
Layton:I see.
Ryuji:So who are you exactly?
Layton:Ah where are my manners my name is Hershel Layton I am a professor of archaeology at Gressenheller University in London and the uncle to Akira and his siblings.
Makoto:Wait are you The Hershel Layton?!
Ann:Is he supposed to be some celebrity or something?
Makoto:Yes at least in London he solved Londons hardest mysteries.
Ryuji:That's cool and all however I am more interested by the fact that Akira has siblings why didn't you tell us.
Akira: I never really thought to bring them up that's all.
Ryuji:How many siblings do you have?
Akira:3 one other brother and 2 sisters.
Akira:Anyways here is your curry I hope you enjoy.
Akira Walks over to the seat next to the professor sits down and begins to eat his curry.
Layton:I must say Akira this curry is absolutely delicious you should be proud of yourself.
Akira: I am proud of myself for everything I do.
Layton:Haha yes you are.
Akira:You guys should introduce yourselves.
Ryuji:My name is Ryuji Sakamato and I am his best friend.
Ann:My name is Ann Takamaki I am a fashion model.
Yusuke:My name is Yusuke Kitagawa I am an inspiring artist.
Makoto:My name is M-M-Makoto I am the student counsel president of Shujin academy.
Haru:My name is Haru Okumura I am the head of Okumura foods.
Akechi:My name is Goro Akechi I am know as the 2nd detective prince.
Kasumi:My name is Kasumi Yoshizawa I am a gymnast so is my sister.
Layton:Well it is definitely a pleasure  meeting you all.
Akira:Have you ever visited Tokyo before Uncle.
Layton:I have not visited Tokyo actually.
Akira:That's surprising you traveled so much.
Layton:Well when I would look after you or your siblings I tried to limit where I travel to somewhere inside Great Britain or London.
Akira:Ah that does make sense well since you're here why don't we walk around and explore Tokyo I could take you on a tour of Tokyo.
Layton:I will absolutely love to do that.
Layton P.O.V
I am starting to eat my curry it is quite delicious Sojiro has clearly taught him well not that I am surprised I suddenly hear the door's bell ring and a girl who looks like that Yoshizawa girl walks through she is most likely the sister she talked about

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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