sans gets stuck in the playplace tube

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sans groans. "ughgughughughughgh. ughgughuhgug. i am soo bored and i finished my mcchicken. i dont wanna leave mcdonalds yet." he stares off into space, and his eyes catch on a window, through the glass was the mcdonalds playplace. perfect! "thats what i wanna do! maybe i can meet a hot mouse with green short shorts. really short short shorts. i love really short short shorts but i only have a short amount of time to see some really short short shorts i better get going before the short time runs out so i can see those really short short shorts" he storms off to the playplace. 


sans was storming with happenis. he was in the playplace! HE LOVES THE PLAYPLACE. maybe he can fine the hot mouse with really short green short short shorts. he loves really green short short shorts but he only has a short amount of time until the short mcdonalds worker shorald from shotland kicks him out. he has to see those really short short short shorts. while wandering through the wonders of mcdonalds, his fat ass gets stuck in one of the tubes. "ugh, my fat ass is to big for these big wet sloppy slimey sllippery tubes. those stupid kids greasy fingers have been all over this big wet sloppy slimey slippery tube. i better get-" he feels something bite his asshole. "UGHGUHGUHGUHGUGHUGHGUHGUHGUHGUHGUHGUHGUGHUGHUGH!?!??!?!?" a familiar voice calls out. "Aw, shucks! sorry sans, my long snout got caught in your asshole! my bad." chuck.... chuck e cheese. charles. charles entertainment cheese. the last time he saw him it was world war 2 and somebody shot him. sans thought he died, but here he is. with his snout in sans ass. sans whales "CHARLES ENTERTAINMENT CHEESE?!?!?!?!?!? UGUGHGHUGUGHGUGHUGHUGH AUGHHH!!!! i  thought you DIED CHUCK!" chuck e cheese pulls his long fluffy snout out of sans big tight asshole. "shucks, that was a tough one!" 

sans blushes. "its ok cheddar cheese chan. could you help me out?" chuck smiles. "of course~!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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