𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Walking through the jungles of Neverland is what Katherine imagined it would be like to hike through the Amazon Rainforest

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Walking through the jungles of Neverland is what Katherine imagined it would be like to hike through the Amazon Rainforest. Hot, humid, and covered in bugs. Only ten times worse.

Pushing through overgrown leaves and brush, they all trudged through the jungle following Emma who held the map to Pan's lair. Once they found Henry, Katherine wanted to go home, have a hot shower, and remind herself to never go camping.

"How much further?" Regina asked, dabbing at her neck with a handkerchief. "We should be getting close to Pan's lair," Emma said as they all came to a stop. "Going in a straight line course..."

She pulled the map out of her pocket and unraveled it expecting them to be only a mile or two away. And they were. For a second.

The X that was once located near the top of the island disappeared and reappeared at the bottom of the map. Right where they started.

"Son of a...how is it now behind us?" Emma asked. "How can that be?" Mary Margaret asked.

"You got us lost" Regina groaned. "No, she didn't," Katherine said. "The map is showing us where his camp is. Only problem is that he's moving it."

"He's playing tricks on us," David said.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?" Emma asked. "This whole trek's been for nothing and now my shoes are covered in more mud I'll ever be able to get out" Katherine sighed.

"I told you walking was idiotic," Regina said. "I get it, mother. Every idea I have is a bad one" Katherine said.

"If we just use some magic we can materialize in the camp and grab Henry!" Regina shouted. "We don't know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?" Mary Margaret asked.

"If I'm talking of course she wasn't" Katherine huffed. "Pan'll have shields against magic," Killian said. "I fear such an attempt would end in you death."

"Well, then what's your idea? How are we going to find it?" Regina asked. "By using someone he trust," he said.

"Who?" David asked. "Because I'd guess he certainly doesn't trust you."

"A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source, knows all about the camp and can get us in" Killian said. "She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we can fly in."

"You mean fairy dust?" Emma asked.

"No, pixie dust," Katherine said. "It's stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust."

"Wait, a fairy...Tinkerbell?" Emma asked. "You know her?" Killian asked. "Every kid in the world...knows her," she said.

"It's a bad idea," Regina said. "Mark my words. This Tinkerbell is not going to save us."

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