Chapter 1:Arrival

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Warhammer 40k Universe

M42. 659


A Vast 500 Km Long ship, capable of Carrying 1.5 Millions of Thunder Warriors/ Eternal Marines,

 60 Million Imperial Guard, 

25 Million Skitarii,

with the crew of 500,000, 

50,000 Knights, and 

10,000 Titans


5 Battleships. 15 Grand Cruiser/Battle Cruiser. 

25 Cruiser

and 50 Strike Cruisers

A Flagship Built in the Warp Itself, a Ship that is Capable of Wage War to the likes of Which has No One has seen Before


It's been years since he have discovered that he is a Chaos and Order god, Ronan Belleza Firstborn Son of the Emperor of Mankind and Empress Usagi known as Sailor Cosmos, though he may have been created to be a tool, but his Soul is a god that was born even before the war in heaven before the Old Ones seeding the galaxy with Life, before the C'tan was even starting to drain the stars

He is the very first being to be gain sentiance and thus the Warp was born, he was quite Lonely until the Old Ones came, after seeing the Seeding of Life he then made the First Angel and Demons of the Warp

His title is the First one, the first god, The Most Ancient of the Ancients and many more

but he knows that there is an even Far more Ancient than him, his very own Creator though he might not be in this galaxy but he knows that he is watching and observing the countless realities that was unimaginable than even for him to handke

Then he made his Sons the Thunder Warriors to become immortal though they are not perpetual but they can be resurrect either into the Warp or special facilities that he built in the Realm of Primordia

It was Similar to what Sigmar do to his Stormcast Eternals by making them Immortal, but none of their flaws, he chuckled when Morathi shocking face when she Met the 40k Khaine who is known to be even more powerful than the Entire pantheon of the Elven gods and could take on against the fantasy chaos gods

It was such sight to see of how the Daughters of Khaine instantly flock under Khaine and even allowed themselves to be command by the imperials as khaine decreed it, though Ronan along with his sons felt sad that they are in Another reality where they never arrive in Mallus

Then he remembers how he destroyed the Chaos gods along with the Great Horned Rat and even Gork and Mork and Nagash he killed all of them in that reality thus their Wars would end for now since there's no telling what other Order factions would do after the War, though Centuries at best or Millennia they would have peace in their realms without any major and Mundane wars that grip into their neck

Then he remembered his arrival to a particular planet



Scene Change

Ronan woke up as he cough "W--- Where am i?" He said as he stand and looked at his surrounding

Ronan grab his head as he felt a headache, he wears a gold T-shirt with blue lining, with his chest is some kind of a raptor with lightning to it

Suddenly he heard a growl he looks behind him and saw several black creatures that surround him

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