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"But, oh. Those summer, Nights!
(Tell me more, tell me more, more, more!)"
- summer nights, grease

In which a commanders plan finally goes wrong.

best read in dark mode.
happy reading!

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"Come on dad! Military school? Really? Is that the best you could come up with?" You chortled mockingly, your brows knitted in silent rage as you watched your father stand quiescently behind his desk, peering out the window with a sudden interest.

"Yes. You've put this on yourself. It's time that you got some proper discipline, and take this as an opportunity to be around your family a bit more."

You scoffed. Family my ass.

"It's only 3 years. Once you've completed your course, you can come back here, and I will let you do whatever you want."

Well. Nice to know he's still a pushover, but... Military school? You gritted your teeth. No. You wouldn't allow it. You wouldn't let your father take you away from your home. You wouldn't leave, he can't make you.

"There's no point bargaining with me. Your gowns, and valuables will be distributed among those who actually need them. There's nothing for you here anymore." He said stoically, not daring to meet your intense gaze as steam virtually puffed out of your reddened ears.

"WHAT?! You gave away my shit? You didn't even sell it? How dare you- you-!"

"Commander. Is she ready?" A familiar voice called from the doorway. A short man, with dark hair stood menacingly outside the room, clad in scouting gear that looked as if it were double his own body weight. He glared at you with distaste, letting out a dissatisfied click at the stuck up girl he saw stood before him. You instantly recognised him as humanities strongest- Captain Levi Ackerman, and a close associate of your fathers.

"She's ready."

You grunted in surprise as the Captain grabbed your arm, beginning to drag you out of the
room and down the corridor.

"HEY! You let me go this instance! I don't care who you are, you get off me right now!"

Your furious screams echoed throughout the entire house, various servants watching as you were pushed outside, and hauled into a carriage, two bags in tow behind you. They all huddled by the two large front doors of the manor, and watched sympathetically as Levi mounted his horse, as well as Erwin, neither daring to be in close proximity to you as you angrily banged on the carriage door. Eventually, two white horses pulled it away, and soon enough you were far far away from Karaness. Once you had realised, your assault on the carriage door subsided, and you slouched dejectedly into one of the seats in the corner, twiddling your gloved fingers together nervously. Dad had been angry before, but never this angry. You almost always got away with being sent to an etiquette class for a few weeks before things would return back to normal, but this?
You had never been so far away from the interior in your life. There was going to be so many titans that could get you if another wall was knocked down, not to mention, the people there would probably mock you for arriving in such a decorated gown. All of them probably have first hand experience with the titans, and that would be their reason for coming here. Would they be offended if a snobby girl from Karaness showed up because her Daddy forced her to?
You looked at your lap in dismay. 3 years. 3 years and I can go home.

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