About me

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This is an introduction to who I am. Honestly.

I will not reveal my real name, people that know me, if they read this, they'll figure it out.

When I was 4, I was raped by my dad for 1 and 1/2 years until my mom remarried and my new dad adopted me. I haven't seen my real father since. I don't really care to either.

My family hates each-other to the very fiber of their being, including me. I didn't ask to be born into this, nor did I have a choice.

I love and hate these people. Mostly I'm tired of their drama. I'm tired of their stealing, lying, and blaming others.

As soon as I turn 18, I am getting the hell out of this place.

I am actually going to make something of my life and not let them drag me down.

I get depressed a lot and have suicidal tendencies. The only thing that has ever saved my life is music.

30 Seconds to Mars- Closer to the Edge

Of Mice & Men - The Great Hendowski

Pierce the Veil- Hold on Til' May

Suicide Silence - Witness the Addiction & Slaves To Substance

Simple Plan- Welcome To My Life, I'm Just A Kid

Rise Against - Make It Stop

Bring Me the Horizon- Don't Go

Hollywood Undead- Bullet, Young, Outside

^^ songs that saved my life

I love music. And I love the military.

Navy SEALs especially. Chris Kyle is and always will be my main hero.

I love movies. Horror, Comedy, Action, Fantasy.

Pretty much anything but romance.

Lord Of the Rings (Boromir will always be my favorite) , Black Hawk Down, Wanted, Hanna, Mission Impossible, Good Luck Chuck, Kung Pow, Sherlock Holmes, 3:10 to Yuma, High Plains Drifter, Pet Semetary, Cujo, Christine, Insidious, A Haunting in Connecticut, Harry Potter, Zero Dark Thirty, Act Of Valor, Shutter Island, and of course....

The Shining.

I love Supernatural, Sherlock, Dr. Who, Burn Notice and White Collar

I am a HUGE Monty Python fan.

My favorite movie is either Life Of Brian or Monty Python and The Holy Grail.

My favorite sketch from The Flying Circus is the Spanish Inquisition sketch.


I am a generally happy and laughing person, but I have times where I'm extremely dark and don't like to be bothered.. Like when I'm playing Assassins Creed.

I make straight A's in school, apparently I'm almost a genius. But I try to be a normal kid. Unfortunately, that's not possible.

Info; the cover pic is from the Spanish Inquisition sketch

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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