Yandere Kitsune

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“Look at all these lowly humans. So weak,” A man with ears like foxes kicked the humans he just killed second ago in the forest.

“They are weak. I'm bored right now. Should I start hunting the other animals—” his words just died down since he heard someone's coming.

‘What a magnificent scents... It's intoxicating.

Someone appeared behind a big and tall tree.

“hm~ hm~ hmm~♪ If I go there, I'll find the lake that Sona told me earlier!” you hold the map tightly while looking around searching for something, and eventually something caught your eyes.

“Berries! Grandpa said I need this violet berries for the ceremony. I should take some...” you were very occupied by picking the berries and didn't even noticed that the creature's staring at you intensely.

‘Human.’ he thought while smirking devilishly. His hands are prepared to attack you once you're trying to go back to the village but you saw him.

“Oh, are you here because of the berries?” you asked while giving him a smile.

“I don't eat berries. And this is my territory.” he simply answered with a growl.

“My— my bad... Um, I'll give it back to you!” you handed over the basket that's full of berries you just picked earlier but he didn't take it.

He walk over to you, and ended up standing in front of you. You noticed his foxes ears and the tails. You suddenly remembered that he's the guardian of the forest, Kitsune.

“I'm... I'm sorry for stepping into your territory, the great Kitsune!” you trembling while looking down at the ground, not wanting to see his bloody red eyes.

He lifted your chin with his slender fingers and bring his face close to your neck.


His words makes you speechless and you just thought that's a joke. You bowed at him and run away from the creature while he's looking at your back figures. ‘A kitsune! I'm sorry for stepping in! Forgive me! Forgive me!’

‘Run now. We'll meet again, y/n.’

You finally reached your village, but your legs keeps running until you're in front of your house. There's an old man in front of the house sweeping the ground. He noticed you and smile, “Y/n, you're here. Did you get the berries?”

“Yes— yes! Grandpa, here! I want to rest now!” the basket are now in the old man's hands bu his eyes are on the girl who's still looked so shocked.

“Don't sleep until night, y/n! We have an important ceremony tonight!” the old man remind you.

However, you didn't care less about the reminder.

‘Please don't be mad at me, Guardian of the Forest! Please! Please!’ you keep praying the same things and finally calm down. You sighed deeply and throw your body on the bed. “It's okay... He's not coming to kill me...” you mumbled and somehow fall asleep.

Not noticing there's pair of red eyes looking at you while smiling widely.

He got closer and plays with your hair while saying,

“Yes, I'm not here because of trying to kill you, mate.”

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