Only One Earth

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Only One Earth
This planet is ours
We were born, and raised on this sphere
The sphere that has held us here for thousands of years
Our Earth is falling, shifting rapidly and inexorably to complete obliteration
Humans will fall, and species will go extinct

If we don’t act, we will all disappear
With poverty, wars, political issues, and discrimination, we’re already suffering
The planet is boiling with global warming, and people won’t stop
People won’t stop to think about their actions, about the part where they can help
The part where they can make a change

Littering and pollution can end this cycle of life
Human actions must be contained
Think of your actions 
Littering must stop
And pollution must be put to an end

We only have this one earth. One place to be
There is just this : plan “A”, no plan “B”
Instead of searching for other planets to flee, fix this one
Save earth to save ourselves, no other chance. None

To make a change
To live in a better world
To save ecosystems
To save the earth, to save ourselves
We must work towards making a change to live in a better place

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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