Chapter 1

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"Beep, beep, beep, beep," as my pager wakes me up. I woke up and felt groggy from the 10 hour surgery I performed with Alex, since it was a patient was peds. I walk out of the on-call room and I got a page from Dr. Hunt. I slowly walked and found Dr. Hunt, alone, at the conference room. I was energized quickly and felt nervous once I opened the door to the conference room. I asked to Dr. Hunt, "you paged, chief?" He replied back to me, "I'm not going to be chief anymore, Bailey." He continued, "Remember when I made a recommendation for you being chief, Bailey? "Yes, I remembered you telling me that," I replied nervously as my heart beating to fast. He asked, "do you want to be chief of surgery Miranda Bailey?" I blurted, "yes, Dr. Hunt." He responded, "well Dr. Bailey, I will hold a meeting later in this conference room with the boards. " He continued, " also you aren't coming to this meeting because the boards have to agree to this." I agreed to him and told, "ok, Dr. Hunt, I won't be here later. Even though I am part of the boards." He responded, "well thanks, Dr. Bailey." I leave the conference room, and my hands were just shaking the moment I stepped out of the conference room. I ran quickly to my husband and told him everything. He cheered.

It was 3:30 in the afternoon, I was in the attendings room with Meredith, Webber, Jackson, and Karev. I heard all of their pager beeps all at the same time. I heard Karev whinning, "another meeting again." Meredith asked, "Bailey, are you coming?" I replied, "no, Hunt did not page me." I told her that even though I knew what the meeting was all about. They all left the attending's room. I was the only one in the room. So, I left the room because I was lonely. I went check on a the peds patient I operated on hours ago. The patient asked, "why are you happy?" I responded, "I am happy because I'm excited for a suprise that will happen later." The patient smiled. I smiled back. I left the patient's room and passed the conference room that Hunt and the board was in. I passed the room but walked backwards. I peeped on the door window and saw that they were writing down something on a piece of paper. I tried hearing them from outside the room but I didn't hear a thing. I waited and waited. My hands were shaking constantly. I paged one of the residents to get a water bottle and my medicine for when my hands were shaking. Two minutes later, the resident came back holding my orange medicine bottle and a water bottle. I thanked them and they left. I swallowed one pill of my medicine and gulped some water. I constantly kept drinking my water bottle. I couldn't control myself. Minutes later, I ran to the bathroom because I drank to much water. Before I ran to the bathroom, I saw the boards raising their hands and heard Hunt thanking them for coming. I got paged by Dr. Hunt. I left the bathroom and walked calmly to the conference room.

I nervously walked down the hallways of the hospital to get to the conference room. On my way to the conference room, Ben looked at me and talked. He said, "Miranda, breathe." I focused on my breathing and I left Ben. I headed to the conference room. I arrived to the conference room and everyone of the boards left the room.

Hunt told me, "Bailey-

My heart was beating , my legs were shaking, and my hands were shaking, again.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello guys, if you guys want chapter 2, comment back. I want to know if you guys like this. Also go follow my Instagram page, @fightingofgreys and my Twitter account @hqgreys for some news. Anyways, have a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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