Epil...Wait What's Going On Here?

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To save the trouble of announcing more of the same intro:
Basic rundown:

D'Andre has a vision and brings his 2 partners and 7 friends to a war against Darkness Despair and the Dark Army including Sbrac members and Dark Dimension citizens alike
This was ultimately to protect the D-Mension and stop the revival of The Overlord
After a devastating loss every team member gets strapped to a bomber (Dark Army member set to self destruct) and sent through different portals


For our protagonist Freya that was a bright yellow portal
And what it led to was a scary one at that (Freya's POV)

Inside of the portal, Freya is attempting to shake off this bomber. "Bruh! Let go! I'm too sexy to die!"

As soon as Freya starts to give up, they hear the faint sound of an 'oof', and that's when the bomber melts away. "Huh! Slay!" Freya reacts to the melting bomber. They attempt to travel back to Earth, only to remember that Type 1 and D'Andre are nowhere near them.

With no real control over the portal, Freya is left to aimlessly float around, waiting for the next stop.

It only takes a few more minutes for the portal to spit them out and into a blocky grasslands.

"Oof! Where am I?" they ask, as they look around to see nothing but blocky grass, a kind of Lego shape but it was almost as if they were computer generated.

Out of nowhere, a familiar voice reaches out to them from behind. "Hey! You know you're using my account right? Are you a hacker, and if that's the case then are you still living in your mother's basement?" This question triggered me.

I turned around to confront the person, only to reveal...it's me? Well not actually me, but my avatar in...ROBLOX! I'm in Roblox...WITH MYSELF?!

"WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT?!" We both jump back. We point to each other, well one of us did and the other was implied, since it's a Roblox avatar. "You're me?!" We both ask each other one-worded questions back and forth; How? What? Why? Then we both stopped, as the two of  us heard more voices calling to Leaf (my Roblox name).

"So Leaf, did you find the hacker yet?" What looked like D'Andre's avatar, Poyo326 asks my Roblox self. As soon as he came up to them, so too does the rest of the gang:

CrustyCake18 = Ava
HunBun = Kai
Snoops = Maya
CareChilla = Isabella
Heehaw = Mia
Dazzle = Brooks
HiImWazowski = Mateo
TimeyWhimey = Cameron

"...wait..." CrustyCake18 stops, very confused, "You're in the game...and in real life?!"

"Yoooooo you really made yourself super realistic! Nice!" Snoops follows up, more thinking  that this is another version of their Roblox avatar.

"I swear I'm not able to make actual people in Roblox!" Leaf yells to their friends. After turning to face me, they sharply point in my direction, yelling, "This could only be possible if I was a god!"

I chuckle before forming a meditation position, jokingly asking, "But what if you are a god?"

This gesture gets me grabbed by the collar and told, "Not helping!" To which I stop teasing. Once I finally get serious, I explain my whole situation.

As soon as I'm done, they all proceed to ask the same question: Is this what this game's based off of?

"I-I-WHAT?!" I stutter in utter confusion as to why they kept thinking I was talking about the land I'm in.

Though things would soon get worse, as while we're talking, a portal of pitch black and inky darkness pops up from the sky and out comes some sort of Dark Wizard working for the Dark Army. This one resembled a familiar reality warper, but sadly I couldn't put my thumb on it before a disaster happened.

The rest turn to see what I was seeing, and suddenly these dark chains come from its hands and entangles my Roblox friends and self, which caused them to freeze in a T-pose, almost as if their character models were glitched. I could only reach out to them, because I don't have Type 1 to power up from.

"I'll be taking these ne'er-do-wells, why thank you!" The being taunts.

This triggers me, so I yell at it. "YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" After that, I attempted to tackle my avatar out of the chains, but I was too late, as the being yanks on the chains and lifts them all up to it's height. After that, he summons 2 avatar sized black hands, the exact coloring of a dark room in an animated YouTuber background. The hands stretched to both ends of the Roblox friend group, as they clap and the whole group disappears, leaving behind me and this being that just took my answer to fixing things away.

"You..." I say in anger, using a voice gargling with rage, so intense, it barely even sounds like me. I point to the being, before yelling at the top of my lungs, "YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS ONE IN ONE PIECE!!!"

The being only laughs, brushing it off with, "But how are you supposed to beat me?" It starts flying around me, launching blast after blast of dark energy. "You're powerless..." in comes one quick explosion, "...alone..." in comes another, "...and miserable." This time it was one of the hands reappearing and grabbing me tight. It's grasp was firm. I could almost feel my bones snap crackle pop from the grip.

Thankfully, it wasn't too long, before it loosened its grip and states, "Alas, you must be left alive, so I will give you a world, you'll never leave!" Suddenly a portal forms from under me. He loosens the grip more, as he just says 2 words that chilled my spine, "Goodbye, forever."

With that, I'm dropped into the portal, forced to wait for the darkness to clear, and a new world to escape from.



After what felt like forever, I'm out of the portal. This world is...full. Not just full, but full of my...happiest moments.

With friends.

With family.

As just...me.

This isn't right, this world is perfect...who'd ever wanna le-WAIT!

This isn't my life. It's just a distraction from saving my friends, and me, and getting back to my actual friends.

But then...suddenly, my mind begins to flutter, as I start seeing the world shift into a hall of fame type place. One where the pictures show that I'm given everything I want.

My friends, partner, and me living in bliss. My parents look their happiest yet.

It's like paradise.

It's settling in now.

Who would ever leave a place like this.

I surely wouldn't

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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