Pilot chapter

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First, there was nothing, but an empty expanse of grey that consumed all within, leaving nothing but it's monotonous hue. It was a cold, somber tone, near a black that snuffs out any life. It was beyond freezing in the void, and even time ceased to move. 

This perpetual state of dark was interrupted by light. Three small beings of light were breathed into being from nothing. By the universe? By fate? Not even they are aware, but each looked out upon the sea of grey and frowned. There is no life here, nothing but grey! 

It is only when one of the smaller of the three beings suggested creating life that the other two were able to find purpose. Through eons of success and even more eons of failure, small life was formed. As small life became large life, this first being came to be known as "knowledge", for it is its first notable achievement in this expanse. The golden light accepted this new name with honour. 

Once the world was fully constructed, with each being working on their own sections before all coming together and unifying the lands, a second land was built by the smallest red light, for the trio to work together, inventing and evolving their ideas, to place into the world and bring it life. All new life for their new haven. Their most successful creation, by far, were the bipedal ones. Despite a lack of fur, Knowledge began to quickly accelerate their advancement through invention, yet conflict between them all inhibited the progress they could provide themselves. 

The largest being took it upon itself to teach them kindness. Compassion, the title the light took shortly after. When they began to formulate alliances - groups, civilisations, colomies and the like - each took to following the three beings like a devotee to a religion. They learnt how to mingle in a way that was not hostile, but mutually beneficial to both. They even came up with a new name for this alliance - friendship. 

Though not all was peaceful and serene. Through trial and error, each being inadvertently set out a physical manifestation of a dark plague. The 'humans', so they named themselves, referred to the latest creations by many names, but the most frequent was 'monster'. It was here that the smallest,  red light took it upon itself to teach them how to fight properly, craft weapons and stand up for themselves and what they believe is right . But first, they needed some bravery. And so that is what it taught, and what it became known as.

Knowledge, Compassion and Bravery. An inseparable trio.

Merely watching the development of the humans was not enough. They began to grow quite attached, building them towns to reside in safety, away from the hostile nature of the monsters through both day and night. Eventually, they built a place for themselves to convene, calling it a cabin. Though they needed no rest and had all knowledge of the ages, they set up beds and bookshelves. "It makes it more homely" as Compassion likes to say. 

It was not until Knowledge suggested taking on a different form, to become more like the humans and be less feared and more revered. Through more trial and even more error, they eventually created a form to reflect their previous illuminated selves, within a more humanoid form. 

Compassion suggested creating names and identities for themselves, much like the humans have. 

Knowledge became Xara, a name as floral as she. Her golden light settled into her skin quite smoothly, and she chose for herself a colour she enjoyed for her hair and other features. 

Compassion became Fred, a peaceful name for a peaceful ruler. His cyan also settled smoothly,  where he adapted darker shades of blue and green to match cohesively with the rest of himself.

Bravery became Romeo, a name befitting the journey they made. There were more issues with the creation of his form. Rather than the red of his light settling into his body, it seeped into his hair, leaving his skin an ashy grey, only a few shades lighter than the void they rose from. 

He tried to not let it get to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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