Harry styles cheats

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Part 1. You awoke to an empty bed which you found unusual considering Harry wasn't on tour and he wasn't supposed to be at the studio today. "Harry?" you called out. No answer. You crawled out of bed in only Harrys shirt and began to look around for him. When you reached the kitchen, you found out a note on the table saying Him and the boys had to go to the studio to pick out their new single and talk about the music video and that he would be home around 2pm. You looked at the clock built into the oven. It was only 9:08am so he couldn't of left too long ago. You knew Harry was usually in a rush and never got to eat or stop to get breakfast in the morning so you thought it would be cute to bring him some to the studio. You quickly got dressed then made your way over to a small old diner that you and Harry always went to. It's where you had your first date! This diner was perfect because it was small and private since it was surrounded by the woods. Not many people knew of this place. You walked in and ordered Harrys favorite. While waiting, you couldn't help but overhear a girl complaining. You didn't want to be nosy but she seemed quite upset and her voice was raising each time she spoke. "We can't keep doing this! It's wrong! You keep telling me you love me but you're still with her and your going behind her back!" You sighed and began thinking to yourself about how much you loved Harry for being so faithful to you. "Excuse me Mam, Heres your carry out!" A waitress said, shaking you from your thoughts. You thanked her and picked up the Styrofoam box. You began to make your way out of the dinner but first took a quick glimpse of yours and Harrys booth, where you always sat. You noticed there was a couple sitting there and smiled, continuing to head towards the door. "Wait a second.." You whispered to yourself. You backed up a few steps and looked at the booth again. "Harry?" you asked, barely loud enough for him to hear. He looked up at you, all of the blood drained from his face. "What's wrong Harry?" the girl who was with him asked. You recognized her voice to be the same one that was complaining. She turned to look at you and you stormed out. You have never felt so many emotions at once. "Y/N Wait!" You heard Harry yell, Him running after you in the parking lot. You kept walking. "Please! Love! I can explain!" You Just kept walking, finally reaching your car. You quickly fumbled with your keys unlocking your car when he grabbed your arm, causing you to drop them. "Let go of me Harry!" you yelled! "Please baby, don't go!" He said, a tear beginning to stream down his face. You began to feel bad for him, it hurt you to see him like this but you were hurt too. "I'm so sorry!" He kept repeating. Was he really sorry or was he just sorry he got caught? I mean, that girl said he told her he loved her so you decided to ask him. "Do you love her?" You asked, barely audible, looking at your feet. he went silent and looked down. You looked up at him waiting for an answer. He looked back up at you and he couldn't find the words to say. I guess he did. You bent down and picked up your keys and opened your car door, turning away from him. "Harry?" you asked. You could feel him look at you. "here, I was gonna bring this to the studio for you. It's your favorite." You said, handing him the carry out bag. You didn't look at him though because you were beginning to cry and you didn't want him to see you like this. He took it and you heard him sniffle. You swallowed the knot in your throat and got into your car, closing the door, not looking at Harry. You turned your car on and took a deep breath and began to pull off, taking one last look at Harry in the review mirror. "Fuck!" He yelled, throwing the food across the parking lot and squatting down, putting his head into his arms. You saw the girl he was cheating on you with walk out of the diner and come put her arms around him. That was supposed to be your job. You were supposed to be the one to comfort Harry when he was upset but this time, you couldn't. You weren't watching where you were going because you were so caught up in your thoughts and what was going on in your rear view mirror. You heard honking and looked up just in time to realize you were about to crash head on with a tractor trailer. You quickly turned the wheel, sending your car flipping off the road into the woods that were next to the diner. "Y/N!" Harry yelled, Shaking the girl off of him and running towards the accident.Part 2. You clenched your eyes shut as your car began to flip across the road, over into the woods. This is it, you thought to yourself. You were scared. Finally, Your car stopped flipping as the back smashed into a tree, jerking your body through the windshield. You were in such a rush to leave the diner before Harry could see you cry that you managed to forget to put your seat belt on. You laid on the ground, your vision blurry. You're eyelids felt heavy so you closed your eyes. "Y/N" You heard a voice yell. You knew it was Harry. "Oh god, is she okay?" You heard an unfamiliar male voice yell from the road. You assumed it was a bystander who had witnessed the accident. "Call 911!" Harry yelled to him, getting down and carefully placing you in his arms. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. Please, No! This Can't be happening!" he cried out. "Harry, It hurts so bad. I'm scared." you told him, you're voice low and raspy. "I know baby. Help is gonna be here and you won't hurt anymore, okay?" He told you, crying harder as he gently began pushing your hair back out of your face, his voice soothing you. You heard sobbing but it wasn't Harry's. It was that girl from the diners. "Is she gonna be okay Harry?" She whispered to him, kneeling down next to him. He didn't answer. "Harry?" You asked. "yes baby, I'm here!" He answered. You could hear sirens in the distance but you didn't know how much longer you were going to last. You forced yourself to open your eyes, using every last ounce of energy you had. If you were going to die, you wanted Harrys face to be the last one you seen. "Remember that day, and I was talking about dying in your arms?" you asked, closing your eyes again. Your voice was now barely audible. "Don't say that baby! You're going to be fine! Okay? You're going to be fine!" He cried out, the sirens getting closer and closer. "But what if I'm not.." you asked, your voice trailing off. "You have to be okay.. I love you..I need you" He whispered as he squeezed your hand. Suddenly, you felt his embrace leave your body. "Sir, we need you to move out of the way!" a group of paramedics told him, pulling him away as you began to slip in and out of consciousness. "NO! I can't leave her! Please!" he told them, still holding your hand. "We're sorry but you can't be here!" they told him, pulling him away. "Y/N! Y/N!" He screamed, fighting to get back to you, still reaching out for your hand. That was the last thing you heard before you awoke in the ambulance, hooked up to wires and machines before quickly loosing consciousness again. Harry stood watching the ambulance leave as a few officers held him back. "Sir, can you tell us your name?" one of them asked, "Can you tell us her name?" another asked. Their words just went through one of his ears and out of the other as he stood, still staring off into the direction the ambulance had gone . The officers went silent until one of them spoke up, grabbing Harrys attention. "Sir, the more you help us the more we can help her, okay?" Harry agreed and told them what happened and where they could contact your parents. One of the officers then kindly gave Harry a ride to the hospital since he was to distraught to drive. The ride was silent, all except for the radio. "So Harry Style's girlfriend Y/N is in the hospital in extremely critical condition after she swerved her car off the road to avoid hitting head on with a semi truck. But get a hold of this, apparently right before she crashed, she found out that Harry, Now ex boyfriend I'm guessing, Cheated on her. Think He's the reason for the crash? Call in and give us your opinions!" The radio guy said. The officer quickly turned the radio off. A tear streamed down Harry's face as thoughts began to take over his mind. Maybe it really was his fault? He stayed silent the rest of the ride to the hospital except for a few sniffles. When he arrived, he quickly ran into the hospital, pushing paparazzi out of his way. He didn't care, he just needed to know if you were okay. He quickly made his way over to the receptionist, who already knew who he was and who he was there for. "She's in surgery right now, I'm sorry!" She told him. He sighed, going to find a seat in the waiting room, nervously fumbling with his hands.Part 3. Harry had been sitting around for about 20 minutes when he heard the receptionist trying to calm down a pair of frantic people. He looked up and found your parents, your sister following them. He didn't know if he should just sit there or go over and try to talk to them. I mean, What would he say to them? Guess It didn't matter because as soon as your dad looked over from the reception desk and seen him sitting in the waiting area, he stormed over to Harry, Yanking him up out of the chair by the collar on his shirt that was stained with your blood. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT! IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT MY LITTLE GIRL MIGHT NOT MAKE IT!" He yelled, giving Harry a good punch to the jaw, continuing to hit him. Harry just stood there, taking it all. Of course, he would never hit your father, especially at a time like now. "Dad! Dad! Stop! It was an accident!" Your younger sister yelled, coming over trying to pull your dad off of Harry while your mom and some nurses came over to assist her. Everyone managed to get your dad off of Harry and to the other side of the waiting room. Harry stood there behind your mom, wiping the blood from his mouth. "Harry, are you okay?" your mom asked him. He just nodded. "Would you like us to get you an ice pack?" one of the nurses asked him. He shook his head no. If you were in pain, then he was going to be too. "Harry, I think you should leave!" Your dad told him. This is when Harry decided to speak up, "Sir, I respect you and everything but I'm not going to leave this hospital until I see Y/n and know she is okay, especially after what happened!" You're dad broke free, about to attack Harry once more before the nurses once again got a hold of him. "Y/d/n (your dads name), He deserves to be here. He's hurting just as much as we are if not more." your mother told your dad, placing a hand on Harrys shoulder. Your dad sighed, taking a seat in the corner of the opposite side of the waiting room, "Fine." he said through gritted teeth. Everyone then took a seat and begun the waiting process together. Your dad sat in one corner, your mom in the middle with your 15 year old sister asleep on her lap, and Harry wide awake and worried in the other corner. It had been about 9 hours when a surgeon walked through the doors, "Mr and Mrs Y/L/N?" he spokePart 4. Harry tried to stand but his body wouldn't move. He could feel the blood pumping through his veins. He stared at the surgeon, hope in his eyes. "Y/N made it through surgery. She is now in recovery. We think she is going to pull through but it is just a matter of time. Everything in surgery went great but she had lost a lot of blood so we gave her a blood transfusion. Other than that, everything is going well." Your dad shook his hand, thanking the surgeon very much for all he had done for you. "When can we see her?" Harry spoke, a bit more relieved now that he knew you were okay. "well, you can see her now but she's not awake.." He told him. Harry didn't care, he wanted to see you whether you were asleep, awake, or hated him. "I want to see her..." Harry spoke. The surgeon looked at your parents for approval, Harry watched. Your dad was hesitant at first but he knew Harry really loved you so he agreed. "Have you been wearing those clothes the whole time you were here?" the surgeon asked him, while leading him back to you. He looked down at his outfit, then back up at the surgeon, "Well.. Yeah.." "Okay, We're going to get you some scrubs. You just wait here and I'll be back with fresh clothes for you!" The surgeon ordered Harry, walking away. Harry sighed, he just wanted to see you already. He waited for about two minutes but began to become impatient. He decided that he would find you on his own. He walked into room by room, searching for you. After about 8 rooms, he found you. The room was silent as he walked in besides his footsteps and the heart monitor you were hooked on. As soon as he got a look at you, all of the oxygen left his body. He knew you weren't dead but you surely looked like it. He probably would of thought you were if it weren't for the heart monitor. He continued to examine your body with his eyes before he softly spoke, "Y/n... I know you probably can't hear me but, I just.." He stopped talking as he noticed the heart monitor sped up a tiny bit. You had always told him that he had that effect on you. A slight smile grew on his face as he knew you could hear him. He reached for your hand but stopped himself before he grabbed it. He just let his hand over over yours, not wanting to hurt your fragile body anymore. "I just.. I love you and I'm really sorry. About everything, the accident, the cheating, missing our dinner reservations two months ago, everything." He looked back up at your face and to him it looked like you had a little smile on your face. Others would probably say he was just imagining it. "I thought I told you to wait out there! You shouldn't be near her in those dirty clothes! I want you to go with the nurse who's waiting in the hallway, he's gonna take you to get cleaned up!" the surgeon told him, causing Harry to jump. Harry took one last look at you, whispering "I love you" before he left to go get cleaned up. The nurse had taken Harry to shower and put on a fresh pair of scrubs. He was gone for probably about 10 minutes since he was trying to get back to you as fast as possible. As he was walking back to your room, he noticed a bunch of nurses surrounding your door. He froze. Part 5. He felt like the ground beneath him had begun moving, the walls caving in on him. Everything was blurry and switching between becoming neon and black. He felt sick to his stomach. He took off running towards your room, pushing nurses out of the way.when we walked into your room he seen your parents and sister standing next to your bed with a few doctors, making him unable to see. He squeezing himself in between your parents, expecting the worst. Instead, He found your eyes staring back at him. "Y/N?" he said, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. You opened your mouth to try and speak but the doctor hushed you, telling you that you needed rest. You used the tiny bit of energy you had left to reach for Harrys hand. He grabbed it. "Well, We'll give you two a minute.." your parents told you, leaving the room. You watched them as they left. "Y/n, that girl meant nothing to me. I want you to know that, okay?" You watched him as he continued on, his eyes welling up with tears. "I didn't know any of this was going to happen. I wish it wouldn't of. I wish there was a way I could take it back or for me to take away your pain. I love you and I'm really sorry!" he finished, tears now streaming down his face. You looked at him, seeing the truth and pain in his eyes. You raised your hand to his cheek gently brushing it before cuddling his head softly into your chest. "I love you Harry" You croacked. "I love you too baby"😘😍

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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