in love with colour

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Blue. When i cried on the school toilets in the breaks and i told my friends i had to talk to our class teacher about my grades. Green. When i smiled and told everyone that my mother was holding the family together but i was falling apart. Purple. When he introduced me to his rooftop and kissed me and sighed that he loved me but i pretended not to hear it. Yellow. When he asked me to meet his parents but i said i had plans.Red. When i drew pictures and realized that every drawing was made of lines, whether they were on paper or my wrist, when i realized that he was a god damn masterpiece and i wasn't even a rough sketch. Black. When he finally shouted that he loved me but i shouted back that all i could see was colours and i could see nothing more or less behind his blue eyes and he shouted that his life was made of the colour black, but in fact i was the only black in his life, which is a shade and not a colour.


i'm having issues with comments so i can not answer on your comments but i appreciate them (thanks to @alexanderdlorenzo and _justanotherbandgirl it means more than you think!♥)

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I really appreciate it, thanks c:

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