Farah (epilouge)

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Is this what I look like?, I thought while staring out at the reflection of my face. Long face,long brown hair,brown eyes and a normal sized nose,i guess. I dont know if I am pretty tho . Everyone tells me something else and I can't believe anyone anymore. Not even the people I thought were closest.
"Where are we?"
I slip out of my thoughts and look towards Juliette, who's been more energetic than most days,which does suprise me since she is normally rather calm. She must be really excited about this trip.

I wish i could be excited too.

"We should arrive soon. It's 3 pm already."
Jiyoung gets up,opens the cabinet door and walks away,seemingly to the bathroom,without saying anything further. Juliette leans back in her chair and looks out of the train's window, sitting next to me. We are in a cabinet which has four seats. Two infront of me and one next to where I sit. I look over my shoulder and see Leyla. Her eyes closed and her shiny brown hair all over her back and neck. Her face free from spots ,her lips plump and her oval face resting on her hand. She is really beautiful.
I wish I was her.

Leyla has been too quiet today. Shes normally quiet,but today something about her seems a little off. As if she's missing her parents or her home.Sometimes,I wish I could see through her brain. How quiet and peaceful it must be in there compared to my brain.
The cabinet door slides open and shows Jiyoung. Her black silky hair tied in a low ponytail ,while being covered by her hood.
"I went to one of the waiters and asked them when we will be arriving"
Juliette looks up. "and?"
Jiyoung sits next to Juliette and slides down her hood from her head.
"Well,we should arrive in about 20 minutes. "
Juliette groans and puts her head on the window, leaning against the glass.
"20 minutes plus the 30 minute bus drive." She additionally slaps her hand against her forehead.
"I dont think we're arriving today." she says sarcastically.
Leyla slowly lifts her head up looking towards Juliette. She looks tired and annoyed. And also somehow sad.
Jiyoung pats on Leyla's head,which is her way of caring for us. She is the oldest amongst us and sometimes gets really angry ,but  she is kind of like a mother for us.
I adore her for her way of showing her affection and care.

I look up startled by the sudden loud voice .
"Stop zoning out Farah,it's getting annoying." I hear Juliette from the side say. I roll my eyes and look back to Jiyoung.
"What is it?" I say.
"What do you wanna eat. Do you want fancy or fast-food-ish?"
I think for a moment. What does fancy exactly define? Does it only include those rich food's nobody can actually afford? Or can it include rice or soup too?
"I dont know. I ate too much junk earlier. I think something simple,like...chicken soup?"
Jiyoung scribbles something on her notebook and looks at Leyla. "And you?"
I look next to me and see her head rising slowly. She gets a hair from her pocket and ties her her long beautiful hair in a low ponytail.
"I'm thinking of Spaghetti. I haven't eaten noodles in a long time."
Now that i think about it, i think this was the first time I actually heard her talk on the whole 7 hour trip.
How come im the only one noticing that shes so unusually quiet? She hasnt talked for 7 hours and nobodys saying anything?

Jiyoung gets up and slides open the door,when I hold her hand making her look back. I look towards Juliette from the corner of my eye, giving her an "What about her?" look. She quickly understands.
"I asked her first Farah. You just weren't here mentally at the time."
She loosens her arm from my head and walks out, looking for the waiter. Juliette had her big headphones on, so I'm glad she didn't her us. I dont like it when people notice me caring about them. Especially Juliette. She would probably keep bringing it up for atleast 2 weeks and tease me about it, since we dont really show actual affection to each other.And although we don't necessarily show affection to each other, me and her are most probably the closest in our friend group and we are completely comfortable around each other. Juliette is a beautiful person inside and out and i really hope that she knows how of an amazing friend and person she is.

I adore juliette for her mindset,humour and way of coping.


"Quickly guys,get your luggages the train won't wait any longer!"
I hear Jinyoung scream even more at Juliette ,which i think is understable, but I dont pay attention and keep tidying up my things.
I close my bags, put on my backpack, put my luggage next to me and wait for the others to exit the cabinet first.
Jiyoung walks at the front of the corridor and me at the back,with Leyla infront of me. One by we get off the train and welcome the fresh air of the countryside on our faces.
"I never thought air on my face would feel so good." I hear Leyla say quietly next to me. Shes right to be honest. We've been in that train train for over 7hours without a bit of fresh air,and now it feels like heaven to feel fresh air again.
I look around at the view and I think I've never seen a view so calm,so beautiful and so eye catching before.
"Farah,please dont zone out. We have a bus to catch. Get your luggage and start moving."
I snap my head at Juliette and give her a face, but she just lifts up one brow and looks away.

We should be arriving infront of our destination in less than 5 minutes. The bus is crowded and full of old people. None of us have said a word, which I am glad for since everytime someone talks it either turns into a discussion or an hour long coversation which I, and most likely the others too ,really dont have energy for.
Our destination has been said.
We are the only ones that get off ,which is understandable since we are in the middle of nowhere.
But we aren't just nowehere , we booked a 2 floor huge summerhouse together.
"This will for real be the best summer trip ever!" Juliette says with huge enthusiasm.
I heavily breathe out and walk after the others.


I wish I could think on the bright side too and stop worrying.

-epilouge end-

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