๛ɕнαρтєя 7

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⇠ƒєιуυ ρσν⇢

It took a few minutes for me to sent Calvin home as I got back to my house and I just glance at the side by how I behave. Ugh! I hate it. How dare that mortal make her smile!? Make me want to punch his fucking stupid face! I groan quietly and grip my own shirt by this weird feeling in my chest. Too much pain. Ugh push through it. I ignore it and just walk back to the room that Sophie is still in. She was sitting on the floor and cry quietly as I open the door. Why didn't Genevieve take her to her room? Ugh...useless servant. Sophie gasp and move back as her brown eyes stared at me in fear. Only fear. Why fear with me, but happiness with him?! Ugh what am I even saying!? Im a demon prince! Act like it! I huff quietly and walk inside as my eyes stared at her. I said, "So...S-Sophie, let's get to work. Follow me..." I walk to the side of the room and I look away from her as I heard her footsteps coming here. I walk through the beautiful marble room with spells, books, potions, and other crafting items, but I just look at the book I got on faith. My eyes look up and see Sophie is just admiring by this room as she walk around. Those girls did a good job on her outfit. Too good. Hm, she look so...so...p-pretty? ...Wait what! Stop! I slap my own face and just read my book as I try to find the instruction on my way to power. She then face me and gulp a bit, wondering what I am doing as my brown eyes look up at her. Don't give those eyes at me. Sophie didn't say anything and look down as I just put my book down. I walk over to her and grab her arm to see her power while my eyes glow dark blue. Her skin is soft and very...pale. I'll feed her later. But back to work. I use my power to connect with hers as she gasp loudly. I stared at her to see her eyes went dark blue and I can feel her power goes into me which make me feel so warm and weird. I look back at her as I notice my eyes glow red-purple before she said, "S-stop...Stop...it hurts...it hurts!" My eyes widen and feel a sharp pain in my head so I quickly let go as all the pain is gone, but me and her fall on the floor. I pant heavily and said in Chinese, "Shit...that hurts...really bad. Ahh...I wonder why." I slowly get up and grab the book to read information about it. I growl and read it out loud for Sophie in English, "So apparently I should be more careful with you since you are a fairy who isn't experience with magic. Ugh, you are so weak. Time to train you." I close the book and just stared at her as she said, "W-what..? Train me..?" I nod and walk up to her to grab her cheek hard while I said clearly, "you heard me. Train you hard and make you strong so we can get this spell to work." She yelp and whimper loudly as she grab my arm to not do that. Her hand is on my arm. I didn't say anything and felt her cheek as it is so soft and squishy. Very squishy. She groan and try to slap my arm, but I quickly grab her wrist this time which make her yelp. I said, "No buts, Fairy. Now come with me." I pull her hard to follow me, but she practically got drag off the floor and press herself against my back. I stops and felt her warm body on my cold back as my eyes twitch. S-so squishy too! My eyes widen and move away as she move back as well. Sophie said, "S-Sorry! You pull me too hard...so I didn't mean to..." I didn't face her as my body react very weirdly and I just huff quietly. I said in Chinese, "Just hurry up and follow me." I just walk to my training ground as my guards and servants watch us while I lower my head so they don't see my face. What is this weird sensation? My face is so red. I touch my own cheek and try to calm down as I grit my teeth. I look back at Sophie as she look awkward and try not to look at them, but something about her tell me that she want to hide and hold onto me for some reason. I then stops as she bump into my back again which make her squeal. Squishy again... She said, "I-I'm sorry! Did I-uhh?" I reach my hand for her and didn't face her, but I wait for her to grab it. Sophie look confused and didn't lose this chance as she quickly grab my arm to be close with me. My eyes widen and clench my other hand into a fist as her hair rest on my chest, but I can smell the scent of perfume that the girls do for her. She said softly to me, "T-Thank you..." I look at her as her face expression was soft and relax, that same face she felt with that mortal. S-Stay calm...you got this far, look she is relax beside you. Just walk to the training grounds. I didn't say anything and we just kept walking as my guards and servants seem stunned, but I glare at them to leave us alone. Idiots. They rush off and look away as I lead her to the grounds as the door close behind us. Sophie look around and sigh softly before her eyes look down to what she is holding which freak her out. She let go of me and put her hands together as she said, "Sorry! Sorry! I just....not used...to.." I held my finger up to stop her and said, "Forget it. Beside we are here. Time to start." So stupid, why she make this way? I face away and snap my finger as the torches glow blue to lit the room up with weapons and obstacles to begin the training. I stared at her with side eyes and said in Chinese, "Nora, will you lead her to the changing room to get her ready?" She hum on confusion as a bat slide off the bar from the ceiling before appearing beside Sophie. Nora bow and said in Chinese, "Yes, my lord." Sophie yelp in surprise and Nora lead her to the way as she just nod. She follow the other as her brown eyes look at me and went in the room. So cute...A-Arghh! Stop stop! What is wrong with me?


From June 2023: ༒A/N: It's me again. Sorry for being a bit inactive here as I do rp in my other books. Almost lose inspiration but I got myself up to do it again! So woooah!
Anyways thanks for reading if you do and make sure to comment and like. :)

༒A/N: happy pride month everyone.
For all the bisexuals, queers, ally, trans, lesbians, asexuals, and demisexuals. And etc! 🏳️‍🌈

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