PT.1 Chapter 1 - Mom's Hometown

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Eren POV

|7:19 pm July 1st, 2015|

"Goodbye, Dad's Hometown," I mumbled as the airplane flew by the German city I used to live in. Then I touched my red scarf to see if it was tight enough.

Germany wasn't bad, except when it comes to school. I hate the school here in Germany. The students in this German school bullied me because I didn't and still don't know how to speak Fluent German even after 3 years of being in the German Middle School.

Teachers also mistreated me for not answering questions that I couldn't understand and being quiet even if they knew I couldn't talk fluent German. My dad couldn't do anything about it because he always worked at the hospital, so I barely saw him.

My dad and I are going to my mom's hometown to live there now. Well, I was born in my mom's hometown and I had to live there when I was younger, but my mom had died in an accident. I was very sad that day.

I remember I cried in my dad's arms, while the cops were outside and the sirens of the hospital were coming. I never went to the hospital when my mom was dying, but my dad told me and I was never the same after.

I like working out and walking on the sidewalks, though in the small town I lived in the sidewalks were very small and had cracks all over them, I'm hoping in this town the sidewalks are better.

I continued to look at the German town as it disappeared into the clouds, then I heard a woman talk to the flight attendant right next to me.

My dad was in the seat in front of me, so I couldn't see what he was doing, but obviously, it wasn't him, then I realized the woman next to me was talking to me.

I glanced at her for a second and I saw she had beautiful black eyes, shaggy black hair, and a great form. Damn, she's beautiful.

"Do you want something to eat?" I heard her say as she got frustrated with probably saying it for at least, the 10th time. "Huh? Oh Yeah sure. can I have a coke and pretzels?"

"That'll be 41.50 dollars altogether." The flight assistant calculated as she was getting the snacks. Then all of a sudden I saw the woman give the money to the flight assistant and pay for my food. Huh?!

"You don't have to do that, I can pay for-" I got cut off by the girl as she gave the money to the flight attendant and said, "Don't worry I can pay for it."

I was shocked. Who would pay 20 dollars for me? She didn't even know me. I didn't even know her name! Why would she do such a thing? Is this an act of charity or something? An act of richness?

She handed me the pretzels and coke, then proceeded to watch the tv in front of her. "Thank you," I said having mixed emotions about what just happened. Someone had paid for me, someone had cared for me, I touched my scarf remember how my mother had wrapped me, and then ate my pretzels.

She didn't respond and I didn't mind, I was watching a movie until I decided I'll sleep the rest of the ride there.

|2:57 am July 2nd, 2015|

When I woke up I saw the girl was sleeping on my shoulder since it was nighttime. I blushed hard. Maybe she fell on me? Maybe I should move? Should I move? I don't think I should move. I'll just stay here until she wakes up, yeah, I don't want to wake her up. I decided that I will fall asleep too

After a few hours of sleeping, we both slowly opened our eyes and our eyes met. As soon as she realized what was happening she gasped.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said while getting up and sitting like she was before when she was watching the movie.

"It's fine," I mumbled. We were just arriving so we both stayed silent while I was blushing. "You should've woke me up if you felt uncomfortable-" I cut her off as I said, "It's fine, I didn't feel uncomfortable,"

After that, the plane was landing and I grabbed onto the seat.

|5:11 am July 2nd, 2015|

The Airplane is now at Sunshine Airport
Please Report out of the airplane
Don't forget your luggage the airplane microphone shouted across the entire airplane.

The girl got out of her seat and I quickly got to ask, "Hey, what's your name?" at this point, my dad was staring at me, and the woman was staring at me with her cute back eyes. My dad had a confused face, he probably thought I was asking this girl out.



"My name is Eren. Eren Yeager." She stood silent for a minute then nodded. After that, we went our separate ways and soon enough I was in my mom's hometown, in the passenger seat of the car that my dad was driving. I looked out of the window. The place was beautiful, way better than the town in Germany

|7:07 am July 2nd, 2015|

"Who was that girl you were talking to?" My dad asked with a plain voice. "Why do you care? I responded.

"Don't talk to me like that, I'm your father."

I sighed and decided to tell him the truth, "It's a girl who decided to pay for my food, her name is Mikasa." my dad just gasped because who would do that? Only a very nice person would give a stranger food.

He stayed silent until we arrived at the house. The house was pretty big, it had 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, 1 big kitchen, 1 big living room, 1 dining room, and a guest room.

The house looked like one of those big houses. It was white with windows in every room, the door was red and it had a large backyard and neighbors right next door.

The park was 3 minutes away and there was a small Deli nearby, overall this place looked pretty good and well-made.

Hopefully, the school will be better than the one in Germany. I'm now going to eat breakfast and then organize my room.

|7:58 pm July 4th, 2015|

I was laying on my bed, last night I finished organizing most of the house since dad already went off to work at a Hospital.

The summer breeze ran through the half-opened window, birds were chirping, and car noises passed and left.

It was getting nighttime, the sunset was right out the window.


This all reminded me of mom, how she used to wrap my scarf on the rare days that Summer was a bit chilly, and she always used to arrive from work just when I arrived home, "Maybe, I should go to the park." I said to myself as I got up from my bed with no socks on.

I put on some socks and shoes and opened the door, I decided that I would do my first Park Walk today, so I started walking.

I saw the park earlier and it looked pretty cool. I came closer to the park and I smelled barbecue. Then I saw a huge Ferris wheel, hot dog stands, and kids gathered all around. People were making small fireworks and shooting darts in the carnival games.

I walked my way closer and saw one person in particular. The woman in the airplane.


My Red Scarf - ErenMika Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now