Chapter One

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   I woke up like I always did. I sat up, pulled my short hair into an elastic, and checked my phobe. After this I went into my bathroom and was about to get ready, but I couldn't.

   "Yes sweetheart?" She raced into my bathroom like there was a fire.
   "Where's my shower curtain?"
   "I washed it last night remember?" She sounded genuinely scared, like I am might yell at her for doing me a favor.
   "Oh thank you. I got shampoo all over it last night."
   "Yes I realized that. Okay well just use my shower or shower later today when the curtain is dry."
   "Okay thanks mom. By the way I might go out with Lainey today."
   "Okay just tell me when you leave."
   "I will."
   "Okay just stay safe."
   "Got it mom. Love you,". I said as I leaned over to kiss her cheek.

   I walked up to Lainey's house just as her brother came bounding out.

   "'Sup bozo," I said to Mark. He seemed really dumbfounded. Guys are so weird, I thought.

   "So who's the girl?" There's no sense in beating around the bush.
   "Huh?" He answered snapping out of his trance.
"I can practically see the hearts in your eyes. Who is the unlucky girl?"
"Your mom," he snapped back to his normal self.
"What are you 10?"
"And a half," he said in between laughing fits.
"Okay.. I think I'll just skip asking you where Lainey is, and just go find her."
"Good idea."

I walked up to the front door and just walked in. I saw no one in the entryway or the next few rooms. I thought I heard someone talking so I went into Lainey's room. I opened the door to find her sitting on her bed talking to someone. The mysterious person's back was facing me so I looked Lainey straight in the eye. She caught my stare.

"K-k-ay-l-a what are you doing here?"
"We're going to the pool remember?" I held up my pool bag for emphasis.
"Oh yeah hang on let me get ready," As Lainey went into the bathroom the stranger she was talking to faced me. Oh my glob. He was gorgeous! He had a very strong jawline and perfect auburn-brown hair. Now I can tell why she was sitting in her room alone, with the door closed with him. Woah. This could be someone she really likes. I need to back off. As if on cue Lainey came out and introduced me to the super hot guy I was just drooling over. His name was.. Zayn. Woah hot name too?!

I shook hands with Zayn and politely asked why he was here. Politely.
"Well I was just studying with Lainey and we finished just as you came in," he had a deep voice, but not Darth Vader deep.
"O-o-kay.. You can study with me anytime..," Did I just wink? Yeah that sounded weird.
He didn't act like it was weird though.
"Okay," He looked.. Happy? Okay so he's weird like me. Lainey looked confused, like we were talking in code or something. Which we could've been..
"Umm.. I'm gonna grab clothes, shower and then I'll be ready," ooh alone time with Zayn..
"Okay that's fine," Zayn finally spoke up for me.

Lainey retreated to her bathroom. Lainey really does take forever to get ready, so I figured me and Zayn had about twenty minutes.
"Hey," Oh so now it was awkward.
"Hello," he answered.
"So do you go to Whiteridge?"
"Yeah, my family just moved here about.. A month ago I think."
"Oh, that's why I've never seen you before," No that's weird. "I mean just because Whiteridge is relatively small, and I've been going to school with every kid since Pre-K."
"Yeah, I didn't take offense," Wow, can he read my mind?
"Are you coming to the pool with me and Lainey?"
"Got nothing better to do."
"So yes. Okay well I'll be waiting in the car," I didn't want to come off as too eager.
"Okay I'm gonna go steal shorts from Mark."

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