๛ɕнαρтєя 1

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At the heaven palace, all of the gods and angels were in a big room while the demon soldiers and Feiyu were out of the borders since no demons can enter inside and if so, they will instantly be burned alive. The God of War, Aoto Haruto, make sure everyone stay quiet and gesture Feiyu to put her down since he seem to still hold Sophie in his arms. Feiyu glare at the God and stared at Sophie as he put her down so she is by the border of the heaven palace. Sophie look around and just hug her own arms, but she slowly walk up to the center, with no harm. The elder gods said, "Everyone in this golden center. We're all here, heaven and demon, is to figure out about this girl." Sophie face toward the Gods and seem confused as she seem lost in their words. She walk around a bit and the elder gods kept saying, "This girl fall to the sky and was in Feiyu's magic ball. She might be an ally of Feiyu or an innocent bystander who got trap from Feiyu's magic." Sophie tilt her head and look to the side as she want to see if her magic works. Her hand spark some purple dust and she sigh in relief as Sophie shouted, "Hey! Speak some English, will you!? Take me back home!" Everyone were confused on this except for Feiyu, but then Sophie turn into a fairy to fly off. They all were shocked and one of the god use their power to make her turn back to human as some golden cuffs were in her wrist. She yelp and fall to the floor as Feiyu eyes widen to this. Sophie hiss softly and flip her middle finger out as she shouted, "ASSHOLE!" Her power flow through the room as they all feel her power like a very strong wind. Feiyu stared at her and remember reading a book about fairies as his eyes look ar her so he begin walk off to the side. One of his men, Richard Yi look at Feiyu in confusion and worried since it seem Feiyu is going to cross the borders. Feiyu make sure to stay in his side as she scream for help before he start to use his power to help everyone around him understand what she is saying. Aoto Haruto was now able to understand what she says as she said, "Let me go please! I need to go back home! I'm not from here! Please! ...I-I want to go back with my Master!" She cry and fall on her knee with the cuffs jingling which cause everyone in the room to be muttering by this. Feiyu hum quietly and take a step out to the border as he deflect on any attacks coming out at him. Sophie turn around and stared at Feiyu, who's walking up to her as his eyes glow dark blue. She whimper quietly and said, "Do you understand me...right?" Feiyu reached for her hand and help her get up as he wipe her tear before facing the crowds. "Do you all understand her?" Everyone got quiet by Feiyu's actions and they just nod as they felt guilty for hurting the poor innocent girl. Sophie look at everyone and stared back at Feiyu who let go of her hand. He walk up to the center as he use his magic to make Sophie hear the others language. He said in her point of view, "As you all hear, she just wish to go home. I have no intention on her or her being an ally. But...to everyone's surprise, she is a fairy." Her eyes widen a bit and curse under her breath, knowing to not tell anyone what she is, hut it was too late for that. She face back as Haruto said in her point of view, "So we will sent her home with no problem. We got the power to take her home." Sophie gasp and nod excitedly, wanting to go home to Calvin already as she try to go up to this person, but Feiyu grab her cuffs in her wrists. Feiyu stared at them coldly and said again in her point of view, "As much I would allow that, but it seem that she can be reliable to me and my army. So will you excuse us?" He pull her toward him as he grip the chain of the cuffs while Sophie gasp loudly. She was going to ask for help, but he cover her mouth with his hand before using his power to make the gods and angels take a big hit. Some weren't able to dodge it, but not Haruto as he protect himself before charging toward Feiyu to attack. Feiyu pull his sword out and have the sword aim at Sophie's neck. She yelp loudly through Feiyu's hand as Haruto stop, not wanting her to get hurt. She cry a bit and gulp as Feiyu walk back while Richard make a portal to escape out. Sophie stared at Haruto as she see that this God really want to help as the God grit his teeth in rage of Feiyu. She held out her hand and let out a soft cry through Feiyu's hand, "Help me...my lord." Aoto Haruto eyes widen as Feiyu eyes glow dark blue out of reaction from her words. The God run up to get her hand, but Feiyu pull her hand back and went in the portal as it close on them leaving the God behind in the heaven palace.

The demons soon teleport to the demon realm as Richard, Feiyu, and Sophie teleport in Feiyu's home which seem like moonlight shore and Feiyu let go of Sophie as she fell to the floor. She yelp again and cough a bit as she look up at Feiyu. She seem confused, but mad at this man that she thought who cares for her needs. Feiyu gesture Richard to come over and say to him as Sophie still can understand them, "Take her to the cell and make sure she get take care well. She is useful to us." Richard nod and walk over to her as he held his hand for her. Sophie stared at the man that she don't know or can trust him, but her eyes glare at Feiyu. She has no choice. She take Richard's hand and stand up as she felt how cold the other's hand is. She gasp softly and he lead her to the cell while Feiyu just stared at them, heading off. His eyes watch Sophie and said to himself, "Like a fairy like her, her power can be useful to me to gain power. And maybe destroy and claim everything to me." He let out a wicked grin and nod as he walk away with his big cape, following himself. As Richard take Sophie to the cell, she seem scared of this place and just wish to be back to her Master and New York City. She sniff and silently cry as Richard notice this. He stops and face her as she jolted up to see him in front of her. She stared at him and Richard pull out a handkerchief as he wipe the tears for her. She stared at him and said in English, "Please...don't do this. I just want to go home. Please..." Richard stared at her as she feel Richard emotion through the handkerchief since she got the power of empathy. She felt his sadness for her and loyalty to his lord as Richard said in his broken English, "I'm...sorry." She seem to understand though and just nod as she walk herself into the cell before Richard close the cell. He then said again in his broken English, "Get some...s-sleep and...eat up. Maybe he will...i-if you behave...okay?" Sophie just nod and see the food came as it is something delicious from what she seen. Her eyes sparkled and take it as she take a bite. She hum happily as Richard chuckle at her happiness before walking off. She got to the cell bed and feel how soft it is which she thought they will be hard and painful. She sit down and relax for a while. This won't be half as bad. She hopes.


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