☆ Nathan ☆

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I've always had a fond memory of my parents. I've heard the story more than a million times. My step-father, hand in hand with my mother on the soft park grass, professing his undying love. I had always wondered if I was ever going to have the outcome they had, but I knew the answer. I was no prince charming. I was created by a bad man.

I was not a good guy. I hadn't had the best track record with women and most people would consider me a player, if anything. I didn't try to play with anyone, especially my last lover, Emile. I guess it must have been a trait from my dad I just happened to inherite. Player inheritance. I used people. I wasn't supposed to care. I was supposed to have fun and fuck, but I was jealous of everyone that could have good, sweet love.


"What is wrong with you, you fucking bitch?!" a guy next door roared, interrupting my thoughts and putting my focus on the my neighbors when it should have been on anything else.
I could hear a woman sobbing on the other side of the wall as well, dragging me away from wanting to stay out of the situation.
I hear a sharp slap sound come from the other side and I flinch, feeling the pain empathetically. The girl continues to cry and I hear the thump of her back up against the wall separating our apartments.
"Why do you make me fucking hurt you?!" I hear the guy yell again before slamming the door, his heavy footsteps slowly becoming softer with every stride he took.

I could always admit I was a dick, but this guy made me angry about every time I ever was a dick. I always knew when to leave. I knew I caused damage in my wake, but he obviously didn't know when to quit. I had always despised relationships like these. The constant fighting, the screaming, the hurt. Maybe that's why I had never wanted a relationship and screwed around so much.

I take a deep breath to collect myself and slowly get up, as to not alert the girl of my snooping from the next apartment over. I didn't know what I was doing exactly. I shouldn't have cared. Naturally, it wasn't my issue, but my body moved and my brain followed, questioning the muscles, tendons, and bones that led me to her door. I quickly dug a pen from my pocket and a piece of paper, hastily scribbling down some words that seemed to make sense, slipping a note under the bottom of her door, lifting her colorful, orange and blue welcome mat in the process.

"If you need some tea or a friend, room 654 is where it'll be."
I start to turn around to walk away, lost in my own head a bit, feeling dumb for asking a stranger is she wanted tea until I feel a presence behind me. It only takes 4 seconds to realize the door I had once been at had opened and a girl stood where I had slid the note.
" Tea?" I questioned her, looking into her deep, brown, doe eyes.
"Yes, thanks." she replies timidly, looking away from my gaze, shoulders hunched.

I fumble with my keys a minute before getting the door open and I distance myself, allowing her to enter.
She sits down on the bench and I hand her a cup of tea.
"What's your name?" She asks.
"Nathan Halloway, and you m'lady?" I exclaim, sticking my arm out foolishly, trying to be comical to give her some sense of comfort.
She nods and sticks her arm out with the same foolishness mine had and with with a short lived smile replies. "Lillith."

I make my way to the kitchen that I had yet to clean and start to open the tea cabinet.
"So, I have a cat mug, or a sunflower mug. Guests always get first pick." I say playfully.
"Umm." I heard her say between giggles. "Could I use the sunflower one, please?"
I nod at her, grabbing that one from its place and placing it on the counter. I swiped a glance at her, and noticed her taking in my apartment. It wasn't the cleanest, but it was still pretty organized for a guy in his twenties. I noticed the red in her nose and around her eyes, inviting the sounds of her crying into my head once more.
After awkwardly getting the hot water and pouring it in the mug and steeping the bag, I decide to make her some fun little art. I grab the cream and quickly make a foam and create a little bear in the dark colored liquid. I hand it to her and her face lights up with a thankful bunny smile.

We drink our tea in silence and eventually I see her out to her apartment next door, noticing the bright yellow color she'd painted on. She waves and gives me a smile, and I shoot her one back and before I know it, the door closes and she's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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