Chapter 1

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The cool breeze of  Idaho weather felt nice on my skin, I had just left my house to go to school. With My backpack slung over my shoulder I walked to my friends house so we could walk to school together like we did every school day. I walked up to the red door of his house and knocked three times, an Asian boy, about fifteen years old with short black hair opened the door. "Hey Logan," I greeted, he nodded his head in response.

His mom appeared next to him and she put her hand on his shoulder, "Hello Connor," she said "how are you today?"
"Good how are you Mrs. Liss?" I asked politely. "I am doing just fine, you boys don't want to be late for school so you should get going." Mrs. Liss handed Logan a brown paper bag that probably had his lunch in it. "Bye mom," he quickly shut the door and sighed in relief. "Let's go," Logan said as he started down the sidewalk in the direction of the school. 

We arrived at the familiar grey brick building, on the wall of the school it said,

Boise High school

And underneath that it had,


All of the students here knew that was a lie. I walked past the gate to get into school with Logan following closely. When we walked into the school I saw a bunch of students getting ready for class in front of their lockers. Logan and I weren't fortunate enough to get lockers next to each other, Logan got a locker that was close to all the classes while I got a locker that is far from everything. Even worse, I got a locker that was in the middle of the cheerleaders lockers, most of them were snobs.

When I found my locker I saw a flyer taped to to it. The paper had a picture of our schools basketball team and it said,

Join us at the Flaming Potatoes first game of the season!

I ripped the paper off and threw it in the trash can next to my locker. Another crappy part of my locker placement. I quickly put the combination in and opened my locker, I took out my math book and closed the locker. Math was my least favorite subject of the day, plus it was the only one that I didn't have with Logan.

Math class was boring, as usual. I took a couple notes on the class, just enough to keep me informed of what's going on in the class. As I walked out of class I met up with Logan to go to our next class.

Classes seemed to fly by today, it felt like I just walked into school and now it's ending. Logan and I were walking home, Logan was jabbering about how he got invited on a school trip to Hawaii because he won a writing contest. Oh, did I forget to mention that Logan is a genius like his dad? His dad, Ostin Liss, is proclaimed to be in the top ten smartest people in the world. I guess Logan is following his foot steps.

Anyway there was a contest were whoever could write the best essay on a book, gets to go to Hawaii with twenty nine other students who were voted in by other students. It's basically a popularity contest, then the kid who wins the contest goes alone. While I was lost in thought I heard Logan say, "-invite you."
"They said that I could invite one person to come with me so I'm inviting you," I was shocked, I get to go to Hawaii with my best friend.
"That would be awesome," I said happily. I held out my hand to high five him and he complied, we did a high five but when our hand touched I saw a bunch of images, I saw Me and Logan at elementary school, I saw Logan taking a test and, a bunch of other memories.

He looked at me weirdly, "you ok?" He questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. We walked the rest of the way to his house, he waved before he went inside. I continued walking to my house alone. When I got to my house I took out my key and unlocked the door. When I walked in I sat my bag on the kitchen table and got my homework out.

I silently worked until I heard the door unlock, my dad walked in wearing his work uniform, khakis and a red polo that says 'Veys electrical co.' "Hi Conner, what's up?" He asked.
"Homework," I simply replied before getting back to my homework. He went to his office while I was finishing up my homework. A little while later the door opened and in came my mom carrying grocery bags, "a little help Conner," mom said as she set the bags on the counter and walked outside to get groceries. When I got to my moms red Suburban I grabbed a couple bags and walked back inside.

I saw my dad lightly kiss my mom and I made gagging sounds. "Is that all the groceries sweetie?" Mom asked, I nodded. "Taylor I have great news," my dad said. "Go on,"
"Jack and Abi are gonna come visit," he excitedly explained. "Jack and Abi are coming," I butted  in. "Yes but you won't get to see them," mom said.
"Why not?" I complained, my mom said, "because you'll be in Hawaii with Logan." I groaned, Jack and Abi only come like once a year. "Well when they come tell them that I said hi."

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