A Court of New Beginnings

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"Rhys!" My blood stopped at the sound of Feyre's scream.

I was on my feet hurtling through the house in a second. The documents I'd been reading fell to the floor of my office behind me. "Feyre!" I roared.


"Feyre, where are you?" What could be wrong? Was it an intruder? How could anyone have gotten in the house with the wards? Was it the baby? Gods, I'd only left her alone in our room to nap for a short while.

"Rhysand!" Her voice was closer now.

I was going to lose my mind. Why was this gods damned house so big? I had to get to her. Had to protect her.

My mate. My mate. My mate.

"Feyre!" My fear was a living thing writing through my body as I shouted again, rounding a corner and almost barreling into her.

"Rhys," she breathed as her eyes met mine, wide with excitement.

I gripped her shoulders, scanning the hallway for potential threats. "I'm here, what's wrong?" I looked back to her face and cupped my hands around her jaw. "What's wrong," I asked again, taking in her flushed cheeks, her bright blue-gray eyes.

"The baby-"

My stomach bottomed out.


No, what was wrong with the babe? Our son.

"Feyre, calm down," I said, trying to shove down my own panic. I'd have to call for Maja, the healer, immediately. I couldn't lose them, Feyre or our unborn baby.

My mate and my child.

My whole world.

"Rhys," Feyre took one of my hands in hers and pressed my palm flat over her stomach, now slightly swollen with her pregnancy.

Every thought in my head disappeared as I felt a slight movement under my hand. A small thumping feeling, barely noticeable.

"He's kicking," Feyre laughed. "Do you feel him?"

Our son, this gift from the Cauldron that Feyre had blessed me with, I could feel him.

And she hadn't been crying out from fear or pain, but happiness and excitement, and a need to share this moment with me.

My legs began to shake, from relief or excitement, I wasn't sure. They gave out, sending my knees crashing to the floor. I wrapped my arms around Feyre's waist and pressed my face against her stomach. I felt more gentle thumping against my cheek and let out a garbled laugh.

"Our baby," I said, a few tears streaming down my face.

Feyre laced her hands through my hair and laughed as she sank to the floor and sat knee to knee with me. She kissed away my tears, and my heart felt so full I thought it might explode out of my chest.

I pressed my hand over the small swell of her stomach and kissed her deeply, unable to control my emotions.

Another kick, and we both laughed together, so full of hope and joy at this new life we had created together, and the idea of new beginnings.

"I love you," I breathed. "Both of you."

Feyre began to glow with that brilliant light of hers and replied, "I love you, too."

A Court of New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now