Chapter 1

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The night sky was filled with a million stars. The air was warm and fragrant with the honeysuckles that covered the fence beside the barn.  Sara stood just inside the double doors of the barn looking up at the stars. She could smell the fresh hay in the stalls.  The musky scent of the horses was exhilarating. She loved the air around her and the strength she felt from the horses as they moved around the practice ring.

She could hear Wes striding toward her.  The smell of masculine cologne mixed with sweat was almost sensual.  She had known Wes all twenty-two years of her life.  He was ten years her senior.  They had never been real close until recently, but their families had always been friends.  They happened to come together at a neighborhood social.  She had not seen him in over two years.  He had been traveling with the horse shows.  He was very good at what he did and the demand for his kind of talent was increasing. They had started up a conversation, which of course, centered around horses.  Sara loved horses, and had all her life.  Wes invited her to come to his barn and watch him training his horses.  Secretly, she had always had a crush on him.  When she was little she would follow him around the stables.  She just loved being close to him. 

Soon after that, Sara was a regular at the stables.  He seemed to enjoy her company.  They would talk for hours, usually winding up having late night dinners at his place or hers.  Their friendship was slowly budding into something that they both promised it would not.  Friendship was all they wanted for now, which at the moment seemed fine. It was nice to have a relationship without strings attached.

As Wes came up behind her, she suddenly felt different.  Her heart was suddenly fluttering wildly. It had to be the beauty of the night sky and the scent of the honeysuckle vines growing along the fence outside the barn. He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it affectionately. "What's on your mind?  You have been unusually quiet tonight."  She turned and smiled up at him.  "I guess my mind is on this beautiful night.  The stars are so bright."  She leaned her head against his chest, thinking how nice it was to be here with him.   She looked up into his dark eyes.  He was devastatingly handsome, with his dark hair and rugged face, not to mention the black Stetson.  He was definitely a cowboy to the bone.

Wes was also studying her face.  She was a beautiful young woman.  Her blonde hair was just past her shoulders.  The moonlight reflected off it like moonbeams.  She had hazel eyes so gentle; a man could drown in their depths.  For the first time he was focusing on her like a man for a woman, not just a friend. He looked deep into her eyes.  Slowly he lowered his mouth to hers and gently kissed her lips, careful not to linger for fear of losing control.  When he lifted his head, she was smiling.  "That was nice, but what did I do to deserve that?"

He laughed and hugged her close. "That was for being my friend and listening to my problems.  I need to talk to you.  Let's walk down to the house, I need a drink." He took her hand and they walked to his house.  What was up with him?  Serious was not one of his common emotions.  When they were settled on his couch with waters in hand, he turned to face her. 

"I have some news."  He paused to take a drink before he continued. "I received a call last night regarding a job in Montana.  It is a great opportunity for me.  I will be training horses for a large ranch.  They will supply me with a house and stables for my horses."  He watched for any emotion on her part. "Sara, I told them I would take the job.  I will leave in two days." 

She looked up at him and could not help but smile.  This was what he had always wanted, to work on a large ranch.  How could she not be happy for him, but at the same time how could she be happy.  He would be gone in two days.  What would she do?  She suddenly realized just what he meant to her.

"That is wonderful! I know you are excited.  It won't be the same without you, but we can stay in touch." By the time she got the last word out a single tear slipped down her cheek.  He wiped it away with his finger and caressed her cheek.  This was hard for them both.  They had grown so close.  "I will miss you too.  Maybe when I get settled in you can come up for a visit." He reached over and pulled her into his arms. They held on to each other for a good while.  Suddenly, she felt the depth of their friendship.  Their closeness was more like a man and woman in love.  She had known for a long time that she cared for him deeply, but knowing he was going away made it hit home.

He lifted her face up to his and kissed her on the nose.  She smiled and softly kissed his lips.  When she pulled back there was something in his eyes, a hunger for more. Suddenly they were kissing passionately.  He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her fully. They gave in to the need that was in them both.  He was the first to pull away.  He sat her back on the couch and stood up.  He ran his fingers through his hair.  "Sara, that was not fair to you.  Here I am leaving in two days.  You have a life ahead of you.  I care a great deal for you, but I refuse to string you along." 

She understood what he was saying.  "Wes, we were just caught up in the emotions of the moment.  I need to get back home.  I have a gallery meeting tomorrow and you know how Brooke hates it when I'm sleepy."  She reached for her keys on the table and turned back to face him.  She put her arms around him for a final hug.  "You take care of yourself.  I will see myself out."  With that she hurried out the door, not giving him a chance to say good-bye. As she walked to her car she knew that nothing would ever be the same again.  Her heart was breaking into pieces. She cried all the way home. 

Wes stood in the doorway looking up at the stars.  His heart was hurting and he could not do a thing about it.  Sara would be better off with him out of the picture.  Things were starting to get close with them and he could not subject her to his kind of love. He was a cowboy with itchy feet. He could not stay in one place for very long.  He would only hurt her in the end.  He slowly closed the door and sat down on the couch.  He felt empty inside.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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