inspired by the song

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R: T


I have no anger towards straight people. Kibum may be a lil mean towards them here but there's no actual heat. So, I hope that doesn't bother you.

T is all the swearing.

"God dammit! You stupid little-" the hot pink haired boy cursed as he kicked his Lancer Mitsubishis' tire. He was supposed to be at his aunts' place before 10 and yet here he is, his father's car breaking down on him. On a damn important date.

Fucking piece of-

His thought process dies when one of the gas station workers called out to him.

"Hey there man, your car died?" when Kibum turned his angry red face, he was met with a shaggy brown hair with almond eyes. Kibum huffed, he didn't know jack shit about cars, and what to do when it suddenly dies on you.

"Yeah, I have no idea why this box of metal just died on me." he huffs, crossing his arms, sneering at the car as if it should shrink under his presence.

The man chuckles and Kibum realized he's taller than him, "I'll go get my buddies to help out." He nods and runs back to the gas station. He's kind of hot. Kibum thinks.

When he comes back, he's accompanied by 2 more guys, one tall and the other shorter than the first guy who came. "I just realized I didn't introduce myself, I'm Jinki, that's Jonghyun," the shorter guy flashes Kibum a wide grin. "And Minho," the tall man who gave him a shy smile.

Oh fuck. They're all hot.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" the guy with a cap, Jonghyun, asked walking to the hood of the car where the engine should be.

"I have no clue, it just died on me. The tanks still half full and I've driven it before, never did this." Kibum says in an exasperated tone, a hand pointing at the subject. The car was a little old, this was the first car his father purchased and was the only automatic car they had. Kibum hated stick shifts, he either had to learn how to drive a manual or drive the old clunky metal around. He chose the latter.

Jonghyun nods, he opens he hood and begins checking for any sign of problem. Jinki goes to the back to the exhaust pipe then bends to check the underside of the car. Minho steps toward Kibum, it was sudden that Kibum's arms fell, and his back hit the car's door.

"W-what?" he stutters, what in the-

"Um, can I check the interior?" he scratched the hair on his nape and Kibum has never seen someone so attractive in a mullet, so why did he look extremely delectable even as he looks down shyly.

Kibum opens and closes his mouth before moving aside, mumbling, "Of course."

Minho smiles and goes to hop in the car, eyes scanning the speedometer and whatever else Kibum thinks gas station workers check.

Kibum bites his lips, toying with the keys as the three men worked their magic. He hears Jonghyun ask Minho about pressing the breaks or something, Jinki mutters there's nothing wrong under the back of the car. He moves to where Jonghyun is and Kibum catches the slight touch of their hands.

He shakes his head, not every hot guy you see is gay. He tells himself before moving his attention to the empty road and back to the gas station.

"There aren't many people who stops by here, that's why it looks like a ghost station." Jinki jokes and Kibum doesn't know if he should laugh. Instead, he raises a brow.

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