The White House

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"So, what you're trying to tell me, is that you're a psychic."

There he sat. The United States of America himself.

Although you had always dreamed of playing an important role in society (so you could make a difference and change the people's views on some things) you hadn't expected it to happen this way.
Nor would you ever become a public figure ever again. Being a therapist for a country? You know people were going to try to kidnap you left and right.

You laughed and shook your head, eyes sparkling humorously.

But USA's gaze remained cold and untouched. If you wouldn't have had this... non psychic ability of knowing how others feel, you would have guessed he was feeling contempt.

But contempt was a bitter emotion, that made your jaw clench in disgust whenever you tasted it.

What you sensed was slight dizziness and strong confusion.
Although you couldn't tell if the dizziness was him or you.

"No. It's the same thing dogs do all the time. It's like a... sense. I can't read minds, nor do I know your favorite color or your future."

"But you said that you can see memories as well?" USA raised his eyebrow.


USA sighed and lowered his gaze. He was thinking very hardly. So hardly in fact he furrowed his eyebrows and gave you a headache.

And then pictures of little memories popped up. They were the kind people always tried to suppress. You knew that because a wave of guilt and fear hit you as soon as you embraced them.

It was the USA sitting by Germany's bedside. It took you a while to recognize Germany. He looked sick and his skin had some sort of boils and sores on them.

"Ick kann nickt mehr komm-uhn. [I can't come anymore.]" USA spoke softly. "Ick shick-uh jemand [I'll send someone.]

Germany slowly opened his eyes. They were red, teary and terribly painful just to look at.

"Aber warum? [But why?]" Germany's brittle voice asked.

And then the memory cut painfully. USA didn't want to remember whatever he had answered, but your heart stung and your eyes were teary.

You could tell he felt guilty.

And now it was your time to get that job.

You carefully extended your hand to touch his. With the warmest and calmest voice you said:

"I understand that you only want what's best for Germany. I was recommended by your people. I speak fluent German too. And by the way..."

You paused to think about what you were going to say.

"You didn't abandon him or replace yourself. You're a country and you can't be a therapist at the same time."

Fear gripped your heart and USA jumped back.
"You saw-"

"Yes. And I won't say a word to anyone." You smiled.

USA shook his head. Obviously a motion he did when he recovered from shock, because you felt the fear- claws (as you liked to call the feeling of your heart cramping) let go.

You yourself felt triumph. Because you already knew what his next words were going to be.

"You have the job." USA got up from his chair "You'll be leaving tomorrow."

You smiled, got up, shook his hand etc.  but before you could leave the room, he told you a rule he probably wished he had followed himself.

"Don't build up ANY relationships and stay a professional only."

A/N: Yes, this is a new CountryhumansxReader book I'll be working on.

Don't worry if you have been waiting for updates on "Stuck with the Past". I'm not abandoning it, however this book will probably get more updates frequently.

Have a great day.


The Cold War Therapist [CountryhumansxReader]Where stories live. Discover now