Worth it

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Look, I told you how I felt,

And you didn't even melt,

You told me I was perfect,

but I wasn't even worth it.

I wasn't worth your time,

Wasn't worth your care.

When honestly you practically meant the world to me,

You said that you weren't good enough,

But all that I could see, was a sweet boy

With a golden heart,

That made me feel something that I couldn't see.

You didn't fight for us,

You didn't fight for me.

You didn't even budge.

I told you that we could make it 

That I could see forever

It was in front of us,

Bright as the sun,

But you couldn't see it 

And that cut me into pieces.

I wasn't worth your time 

I wasn't worth your care

I meant absolutely nothing

You never truly cared.

I remember when we first meet,

For the second time in my life,

And when we first touched,

Something crazy happened,

And sparks did fly.

You said you couldn't promise me that there wouldn't be other girls,

Though you told me a million times that you didn't know how to talk to them so

that confused me,

It drove me crazy,

I wasn't worth your time.

I wasn't worth your care.

You said that you did really like me, but we didn't stand a chance.

Said you talked about me, about us with your friend

Are you sure that he's your friend?

Did your heart really have the last say?

Or did you listen to what the other guys told you that day?

No, I wasn't worth it.

Dedicated to - Prince Charming

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