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[ R E V I S E D  M A Y  1 8 , 2 0 2 0 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Peter Pan and any other characters in the novel for it belongs to the great JM Barrie. Only one character belongs to me.

Without further ado, here is "Returning to Neverland,"


"You won't forget me, will you?"

"Me? Forget? Never!"

"Will you come back?"

"To hear stories... about me!"


It has been 5 long years since Peter took Wendy, John, and Michael to Neverland. He remained true to his word: he still refused to grow up. However, he always returned to listen to Wendy's stories about pirates, fairies and his favorite, about him. Wendy never knew about this because Peter hid himself well in the dark. He also enjoyed peering over the window and seeing his lost boys become not-so lost now. They had a loving family who doted on them like they were their own. 

Wendy always hoped she would see Peter, or even his shadow. In fact, she left the windows open at night, especially when she would tell stories to the boys. Maybe Peter would come swooping in to sit down and hear her stories. Every time she feels a gush of wind at night, she smiles to herself, believing that Peter was somewhere there. But Wendy never really did see Peter face to face. It was always the wind that reminded her of him, and the bright star on the night sky that she always looked up to. 

Until one day, the gushes of wind were no longer there. Wendy was utterly disappointed that Peter never came back. Soon enough, she forgot about that blonde haired, starry-eyed boy who took her to Neverland. She closed the window. John and Michael forgot too, but Peter never knew this until he returned on one fateful night. 

Peter loomed over the window of the nursery, very surprised to see the boys already sleeping. That's funny. He thought. Wendy was supposed to be telling them stories at this time, but where was Wendy? He flew by the other windows of the Darling household and found Wendy in one room, brushing her hair in front of the mirror. Shortly after, she got up and went out, turning off the lights in the room. This left Peter in the darkness. 

Does she not sleep with John and Michael anymore? Peter thought to himself. He went back to the nursery window, trying to see if Wendy disappeared to go to the nursery and tell the boys bedtime stories. But Wendy didn't come. This left Peter confused. He tried opening the window but it won't budge. 

Maybe there are no stories tonight? I'll return tomorrow! Peter said in an effort to cheer himself up as he straightened his posture and went to fly back to Neverland.

Back at Neverland in their hideout, Peter was greeted by an angry Tinkerbell.

"Peter! I thought you had stopped visiting Wendy!" Tinkerbell scolded, though it came out as jangling of bells.

"I only stopped because I gathered a band of my new lost boys! I missed listening to her stories! I need new stories to tell to the lost boys!" Peter said, sitting down at a wooden chair.

"Speaking of, I'm going to find the lost boys!" Peter said cheerfully as he flew out of the hideout and was off to look for the group. Knowing them, they were probably off with the Indians or stealing from the pirates. Peter's first guess was with the Indians, and so he flew to the Indian encampment.

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