Friends is nice but kissing her would be better

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(Summary: the one where Perrie likes Jade, but Jade thinks being friends will save them a lot of pain....based on actual events)

Perrie is a senior, and Jade is a sophomore. She shouldn't feel this way, but two years isn't a big age gap, right?

So it started as a joke. Perrie and her friend Jesy would constantly flirt with Jade as a joke, nothing serious, but very recently, to Perrie, it hasn't been a joke. She has no idea what to do. Jade is a sophomore. Even tho she's 16, Jade is a sophomore, which means that when Perrie is freshly in college, Jade will be a junior in high school. This feeling started a couple of months ago, in November 2022, when Jesy kept jokingly shipping Jade and Perrie and treating them like they were in a relationship. She was so confused about why she was feeling this way cuz she was always against dating someone that was a freshman or a sophomore. she brushed the felling once she started seeing her now ex girlfriend Demi. To Perrie Demi was the best thing that has happened to her, her first love, the person she felt like she could spend the rest of her life with, but Demi broke up with her...Demi truly did love perrie, and Perrie loved Demi, but it was the right person at the wrong time...anyway it's Tuesday she sitting working on her art project remembering what happened on Friday....

"You guys think I'm joking but I'm not anymore I actually want jade" Jesy says while she scrolls on her phone

Perrie sighs "It's cuz you told us never to take you seriously" Perrie says working on her art project. " jade what do you think" she asked.

" I don't know" jade says obviously stressed.

"It's fine tho you guys don't have to believe me." Jesy says

2 hours later in second period.

"Wait so your really serious?" Perrie asks walking up to her.

"Well 50/50"Jesy reply's.


Perrie wants to stop flirting with Jade now because she doesn't wanna be a bad friend but she also wants to tell Jesy what she feels for Jade so she does.

"Hey I have to tell you something" she says while jade gets up to go wash her brush.

"What?" Jesy asked

"Remember how you said you where 50/50?" Perrie ask getting obviously nervous

" yeah"

"Well me too" she says feeling sigh of relief that it's finally out

Jesys eyes widen for a moment before stating "you can have her, after all you're more gay than I am" she laughs

Perries eyes widen a little"Really?" she states, Jesy just nods.

They have a little conversation ( that I can't remember for the life of me) that leads them to have a inside joke (that's not so inside anymore cuz my crush found out lol) between them "OH FIFTY FIFTY!" They both say out loud.

Jade looks at them " what's 50/50?" She ask.

Jesy sighs " it's an inside joke you won't understand"

"Tell me"

"No" Perrie states

" please"

"I mean u can tell her your part Perrie" Jesy says getting up to clean her brush

" fine" she starts " me and Jesy kinda like the same girl but it's 50/50 like yeah I like her but also no" Perrie states.

" Is she in this class?" Jade ask having a slight feeling it's her.

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