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Summary:Maxwell spends quality time with his boys and friends.

Warning : None 

Rated: teen

All characters belong to pixelberry except  Zane, Julian , Patience, Juliana they belong to me.


It had been only a day since Juliana had left for her girl's  trip leaving her husband with 2 children under age 3.

Julian was getting used to sleeping on his own,so his parents thought Maxwell turned over feeling something wet. "What the." Stopping himself from saying the rest when he saw Julian.

Maxwell woke his son and he immediately started crying. "It's okay buddy daddy got you, come on he ran some bath water and got him all cleaned up and dressed and back in his own bed

Juliana had taught him how to do laundry and some simple homework, besides it was after 1am and everyone was sleeping, he started a load of laundry and watched a movie. He was not sleepy at all, he heard the baby monitor come to life.

"Hey little guy, are you looking for this?" Yes you are." He said as he waved the bottle in front of his son. He sat in the rocker feeding Cam and thanking God for his boys

After his feeding, he changed his diaper and  burped him before placing him back in his crib. Cam was a quiet baby. He only cried when hungry or he needed to be changed,  completely opposite of his brother Julian, who wanted to be held a lot and cried just because.

Maxwell made it back to his room and went to the hall closet and replaced the Mattress pad and the sheets duvet cover. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow.

"Maxwell wake up  it's after 7, this  little guy is hungry and Julian is up also;  Bartie at a sleepover. So I'm afraid you're on your own with the boys today." Bertrand said 

" It's okay, I can handle them. " Did Juliana ask you to help me?"

"Maxwell we are family,  it's been plenty of times that you and Juliana have helped with Bartie."

Thank you brother, go enjoy your day."


"So little ones, what are we to do today? 

He took the boys to kitchen placing both in their high chair. Both boys laughed as he danced around the kitchen while cooking Julian scrambled eggs, you could definitely tell that his son got his eating habits from his mother, Max, couldn't stand eggs not eating them.

After they all ate he let Julian play with his cars , he heard a vehicle pulling up. Max wanted to surprise his son so he didn't tell him that Drake was coming.

Julian ran over and peeped out the window  "Uncle Drake Yay Uncle Drake! Max watched his son jump up and down in total excitement.

He opened the door. "Drake my friend you do love me."  he said as a joķe.

"Pipe down Beaumont,  I'm here to see my Godson and see his cute brother too, besides Hana went on the trip too."

Patience, his  1 year old, was hiding behind his leg, Julian went around Drake leg "Pactance he giggled. " I got you," do you want to play with me?" She shook her head "yes,day can we play?"

They all went towards the playroom. " Man I can't believe you all have two children, me and Hana can't wait to meet our son soon."

A few hours had passed when Liam and his four year old twin boys Wyatt and  Leo.

Rashad with his two year old son, came around the same time.

"Hope you don’t mind, Liam said."

"Not at all buddy, I consider all of us as brothers,  that includes you Rashad."

"Daddy, I think Cam needs changing." 

After changing him, they went to fix  the children's launch. Everyone was surprised at the meal Maxwell made for children.

After the kids ate, they all took a nap,  except Zane, who no doubt was a lot like his mother Olivia.

After the kids woke up, Liam scheduled for a nearby  Theme park to be closed down for them.

The kids loved Fun World Theme park,  they rode several kiddie rides, visited the haunted house, they were now playing in the bouncy house, when all the kids started saying they were hungry,  even little Patience. 

Maxwell took everyone to Dilights in downtown Ramsford,  it was one of Juliana's favorite restaurants, they ordered spaghetti and meatballs for the kids. Maxwell asked for 4 extra plats. For Patience and Julian, Zane, he put a spoonful of spaghetti, a small piece of garlic bread and a small amount of salad,

They all were amazed that all the smaller children ate all their food, especially Drake because Patience was very picky and oftentimes didn't eat.

Zane and Julian had very similar eating patterns. Maxwell phone rings 

"Hello beautiful,  I hope your trip is going well, oh glad to hear it, the guys and I took the kids out; can't wait until you get home love you."

Cameron started to cry, Maxwell went to the bathroom to check Cam's dipper and ask one of the staff members  if they could wram his bottle.

"Thank you so much for this fun day with the kids, you have changed a lot since you met Juliana and had children." Liam said.

"Thank you buddy,   Jewel changed my whole life when she blessed me with Julian,  then Cameron I knew I had to change my ways to be a better man."

"Beaumont don't make me regret this, but you are a wonderful father and I'm learning a lot from you." Maxwell rushed over to Drake, thawing his arm around his shoulder. 

"I love you guys; bestest  friends in the world, we should get them home they all are worn out. "Hey if you all want you all can stay over, it's after 8  I'm sure the kids are pretty tired "

Once they got back to Max house, all the kids were sleeping, they put them to bed, then the guys met in the media room, they had a few drinks, watched a movie and talked.

The next morning,  it was time to go to the airport to meet their wives, he was grateful for the friends he had but even more for his beautiful queen and his boys, he was pretty sure the guys felt the same.

He watched as Olivia came into sight first picking up Zane and hugging him, then she remembered her husband and pulled him in for a hug Rashad smiled because he knew how tough she acted, but she was so gentle with their son.

As soon as Hana emerged Drake wrapped his arm around her, and Patience hugged her leg until she picked her up .

Mia was attacked as soon as Liam and her boys saw her, they gave her a group hug.

Finally my beautiful wife stepped out, of course Julian was the first to hug her and then she grabbed Cam, and hugged me,right now everything feels right again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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