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Walking up the stairs, I walked into my room and closed the door. Only a tad bit. I went over to my dresser, pulled out gray sweats and a purple long sleeve shirt with buttons at the top. I changed clothes.

I plopped onto my bed thinking about the small talk I had with my mum downstairs.

Think it's time I tell the story.

I never knew my family was working with the Dark Lord. Only found out two years ago.

The Hendersons, my family, always joins the Death Eaters no matter what. Meaning, you have to join whether you like it or not.

Sucks I know.

So this is where my conclusion comes. This is why sometimes I wish I was never born into this world, because if I wasn't I wouldn't have to deal with this.

At the end of my 4th Year, when the Dark Lord "supposedly" returned, my mother had finally told me everything. Found out about her twin brother being a Death Eater, Carol Henderson.

I knew about him beforehand but never knew he was apart of them. She told me he ran off, went to live a life of his own. What a lie.

He's always on the lookout for me now, watching my every move, and always reminding me that my time is almost up to decide whether I join the Death Eaters or not.

I honestly hate it. It's like having a stalker.

The Hendersons were one of the most powerful Death Eater families, including the Malfoy's and the Riddle's. They were all Slytherins, besides my mum and her twin brother, Ellen and Carol Henderson.

Their mother, my grandmother, Katie Jones was a Gryffindor, though their father, my grandfather, Henry Henderson was a Slytherin.

The Henderson's names were cleared off ever since the Potter's deaths and the Dark Lord was allegedly "gone". Ever since, nothing had happened until 1994.

That's the story for you. I sighed, closing my eyes which caused me to sleep.

Did I mention I don't get nice dreams? I get nightmares. It's the same thing over and over.


The night I came home from my 4th Year, my parents and I sitting down at the diner table eating dinner. It was quiet and awkward. Usually my parents are asking me what I did during my Years, knowing I'm always going on adventures with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

This time they didn't. I knew something was wrong.

I cleared my throat. "Mum, Dad. Is there something going on that I don't know?" I asked slowly.

Ellen cleared her throat."Eva dear, is it true the Dark Lord has returned?"

I froze. Why is she asking me this like I know?

Ever since Harry came back from the maze in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry believed that the Dark Lord has returned but no one really believes that he's back.

"I-I really don't know. I don't really trust-" "Eva there's something your mother has to tell you." Alex, my father, budged in, not letting me finish my sentence.

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