Part I

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Matthew was born in Texas, U.S.A. in the year 1972. He always likes staying in the house and play online games all day. His mom keeps shouting to him everyday because he plays Online Games half of the day. Even in the midnight he keeps sneaking and plays video games. His mother saw him playing video games at the midnight. "Matt! I told you to sleep why are you still here playing your stupid games!? Even your dad is annoyed to you!" His mom said. "Shut up mom! I can choose what I want!" Matthew replied madly. "What did you say Matt? If you want follow your own decision, then make your own life! Get out of this house!" his mom said. "Fine mom! I'm out! I hate being in here getting shouted everyday!" Matthew said. Matthew ridiculously packed his necessary things and went out of the house. "One day I will be a successful man than you!" Matthew said. His mother didn't spoke and just let him go out of the house. "Oh Matthew... I really hope you can do it yourself." His mother said. Matthew used his money from his piggy bank to buy food and survive. But he knew his $25 won't last long. So he decided to find a job at the age of 16. He failed to get a job and got 7 attempts before he got his real job finally he got his job and make his own money.

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